The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Dilstonhaugh Sewage Pumping Station

Together with our partners Interserve, we plan to carry out work at Dilstonhaugh Sewage Pumping Station (SPS). The project represents a £2 million investment which will see a civils upgrades with new mechanical and electrical equipment installed in the SPS. We are working closely with Interserve our supply partner to make sure any disruption is kept to a minimum. If you are going to be directly affected by our work, our site team will let you know in advance. Typical working hours will be Monday to Friday, between 7:30am and 5:30pm. We'd really like to hear from you if you have any queries so please get in touch using the 'Contact us' button at the top of the page or leave a comment below. Simon Cossar NWL Project Manager

Update by Shafqat Akbar

Hello everyone. In today's update, I want to share the progress we have made and give you a quick overview of the programme of works.

We have almost completed the site preparations in advance of the main works starting. We have removed some of the permanent fencelines to make room for the works. We have secured the site boundary with temporary fencelines. 

The works at the Dilstonhaugh pumping station will increase the capacity and storage of the pumping station. We will also upgrade the existing building, dry well and wet well. 

We will start the shaft sinking operations in a month's time. These works are high risk operations and will be closely monitored. We are currently agreeing a safe system of work for the shaft sinking operations. We will install new pumps and pipework inside the shaft. We will be building valve chambers at the pumping station. 

We will be installing a new motor control centre (MCC) unit and we will connect the new pipework into the existing infrastructure. These works will be carried with close co-operation with the Northumbrian Water management team. We will also be installing a new chemical dosing system at the pumping station.

There is a lot of work to do. We have a challenging programme and we have made a good start. 

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