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By Julie Oakley

12 Photos
Good afternoon, As you all know JNB have been working hard to install eel screens at the pumping station on the River Tyne at Ovingham. As work progresses on our £14m project to support the recovery of the River Tyne’s European Eel population, members of the team have been out helping reshape and enhance recreational space for the area’s human population. After discussions with Ovingham Parish Council on how the team can support the community during the work, the site agent and a couple of his team gave up their own time on a weekend to visit the local playing field to prepare the ground for improvements. By flattening and reducing the overall size of a mound that sits in the field by removing large pipes and boulders, the team have made space for the installation of a new slide (see photo below) that has been donated by Ovingham Parish Council, and created a raised area that can be further developed for use. Well done team Julie

By Julie Oakley

Hi All, I hope you are all looking forward the the summer break and here is hoping we are in for some nice weather. Just a quick update on the progress of the works here at Ovingham, we have now moved onto the piles on the east side of the pumping station. Once again I would like to thank you for your continued support while the works progress and if you have any questions or issues please leave a comment below or use the contact details provided to get in touch. Thank you Julie

By Ian Davison

Good Afternoon As you will be aware we have completed the establishment of the site compound for the Moor Crescent works and the road has been cut in preparation for the trench excavation. The road closure is now fully established with temporary fencing containing the working area, work has begun on the installation of the 1050mm diameter tank sewer. These construction activities will continue throughout the school holidays and every effort is being made to get the pipeline past the school and the road re-opened for the start of the new term. This is difficult engineering project on a constrained site, the Project Team really appreciate your cooperation to date. Every effort will be made to keep the disruption to a minimum and I would like to thank you in advance for your continued patience. The contractor’s customer team will continue to work with the residents to provide any support or assistance necessary. Thanks for talking the time to read this update, please contact us via the portal or contact the site team if you wish to discuss any aspect of these works in more detail Ian Davison (Project Manager)

By Karen Alexander

Good afternoon We’re continuing to invest in new talent on the Project Pipeline site and have recently welcomed a third university placement student to our team, Ahmed Shehab. Ahmed is studying for his BEng degree in Civil Engineering, having moved to the UK from Italy in 2019.  He’ll be with us for a year, until June 2025 and is currently supporting the commissioning team, working on calculations and assisting with technical aspects of the pipeline using AutoCAD. As well as graduating and building a career in engineering, Ahmed also has a keen interest in aeronautics and an ambition to gain his pilot’s licence. Kind regards Karen Alexander Farrans’ Stakeholder and Social Value Co-ordinator  

By Karen Alexander

Good afternoon Introducing Steve Swinburne, who is the Farrans Site Agent for the Scripton Bridge scheme. Steve’s role is to take operational control and ensure delivery of our network improvements on this scheme, located on the edge of Brandon Village. The works will include the installation of a flow meter and an electronically-operated valve, which will add flexibility and resilience to the water network serving County Durham. Some survey work has already taken place on the site, which is south-west of the village of Brandon, on land between Winchester Drive, Dominion Road and the A690. We aim to be setting up our site compound and carrying out preliminary groundworks by late August, ahead of construction work starting in September 2024 which will run for approximately 8 months.   Kind regards Karen Alexander Farrans’ Stakeholder and Social Value Co-ordinator

By Julie Oakley

Good afternoon all, I hope you all took advantage of the lovely weather over the weekend. Its been a month since my last update and I wanted to let you all know how the works are coming along on site  We now have the new Humus Settlement Tank and it has been put in place and backfilled, we have also got 2 out of 3 pipework connections completed with the final pipe connection of the tank to be completed next week. Inlet over pumping is up and running meaning we have started works on breaking out the existing channel for the new flume to be installed, and finishing off storm tank modifications, and a new storm screen is being installed. The Primary settlement tank (PST) area is being finished off with the metalworks for chambers and topsoiling. I hope we have not caused any major disruptions while the works are on going, we would like to thank you all for your continued support, co-operation and patience while the works continue.  If you would like to get in touch with any queries or questions you may have please feel free to leave a comment below or use the contact details provided. Thanks Julie

By Bethany Oakley

Good afternoon, I hope you are well. Since my last previous update last month, I have some further updates to share with you on the progress that has been made on the Treatment Works. We have now built two out of three of the NSAF tanks and we have also got the new MCC cable trough completed. The third tank will be built following on from this and the new kiosk for the MCC will be on Site around 30th July. We have also cleared the last of the reed bed and filled this with stone. Should you have any questions to ask us, please don’t hesitate to add a comment in the box below and a member of the Project Team will respond. Enjoy the rest of your week! Bethany

By Julie Oakley

Hi everyone, I hope you are all set for the school summer holidays, just hope the weather improves for you all.   I thought I would touch base with an update on the upgrade of the water treatment works in your area, I am pleased to say that great progress continues to be made at Horsley with the commissioning of six new rapid gravity filters (see the image below), this is the 2nd stage of the water treatment process, where water is filtered through a layer of anthracite, sand and gravel. The rapid gravity filters (RGF) are expected to be fully operational within the coming weeks.    Works substantially completed this month have included the diversion of a gas main and the site wide reinstatement including footpaths.  We would like to thank you all for your continued support and patience while the works continue and that I hope we are not causing too much disriptution in the village with the on going traffic. If you have any questions or queries please leave a comment below or contact us on the details provided and one of the team will get back to you. thank you Julie 

By Bethany Oakley

Good afternoon, I hope you’ve all had a great weekend. Over the last few weeks, we have continued to make some great progress on the Treatment Works. The existing sludge tank has been demolished and a new one is currently being constructed. The concrete base has been poured for the Primary Settlement Tank and the wall is currently under construction. We have also installed the new Sludge Tank Hopper Pipework. I have also added some photos so that you can see the great work the Team have carried out. As always, if you have any questions you’d like to ask us, please add these in the comment box below and a member of the Project Team will respond. Speak soon! Bethany

By Anya Lowes

Afternoon everyone, I wanted to let you know ahead of the weekend what work we have planned for next week in case that affects you directly. The health and safety of our teams, customers and communities is our top priority and we need to close Springwell Road - affecting the section between B1288 and Mount Lane only  from Monday 22 July for up to 4 weeks. This is so we can lay the new 1000mm reservoir outlet pipe through the road. We’ll do everything we can to get the pipelaying work done so the road can be re-opened more quickly. This includes increasing our daily working hours, working 8am to 8pm on weekdays and 8am to 5pm on a weekend. This should help speed up the work so Springwell Road can reopen as quickly as possible. Please see our diversion plan here - Springwell Road. At the reservoir site, we will be continuing with large excavation work around the north-west corner of the reservoir over the next four weeks. During the first three days of the road closure, we will be managing access for the excavation work to construction traffic only. Over at Eighton banks the footpath remains closed but we are waiting for approval from Gateshead Council for it to be reopened. I hope to be able to share with you the reopening date soon as listening to the feedback we’ve received; I know that’s important to members of the community.  For the public footpaths that are open for use, I would ask that you please take extra care when walking by our working areas.   I will be in touch again when I have more information to share and, in the meantime, thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we complete these essential improvements.

By Julie Oakley

Good afternoon all, I hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunshine, and taking advantage while it lasts. Just a quick update to let you know we will be working over this weekend. You can leave a comment below or use the contact details provided if you have any questions or queries. Thanks Julie

By Rachel Rutter

Good morning, As you may be aware flow monitors were installed into Northumbrian Water assets earlier in to the year for data collection. As we now have all the data required we will be removing them over the next 6 days. This work will cause minimum disruption and no traffic managment will be in place.  The crews will manage the works using cones and priority signs, to enable the local traffic to continue flowing. If you follow this link, it will show the areas and dates we will be working in over the next 6 days - Traffic Information . We are happy to discuss any aspect of this works, please contact us at nwl.customer@esh.uk.com or click 'Contact Project Team' on this page. Have a lovely weekend. Rachel
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