Update by Rachel Rutter
Good afternoon,
We are progressing well with our pipeline from Longnewton to Goosebeck with the vast majority of rising main pipework installation including pressure testing.
With our pipeline easement fencing complete, we have commenced with topsoil strip from Goosebeck to Middleton One Row in preparation for welding together pipes for works up to Mill Lane. Directional Drill works under/across Mill Lane have been complete; and the team have installed a temporary stone material laydown area. The west side of Mill Lane topsoil stripping has begun in preparation of the rising main excavation and installation.
Gravity drainage has continued and completed up to the HP/Discharge Chamber including the manholes themselves. Work on the rising main including the gravity sewer will continue into the coming weeks as well further investigation works within the area.
Please contact us direct if you have any questions at nwl.customer@esh.uk.com
Thank you
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