Update by Christine Taylor
Good morning,
The sun is shining this morning but I am now sure how long for. Let's hope it stays like this for the weekend, but I have my doubts!
The team on site have provided me with an update of the works they have carried out so far, and the plans going forward. I thought it would be great to share this with our customers.
So far our team have -
- Constructed the site access (Track B) to the south side of Carl Beck Watercourse including cut and fill to existing embankment
- Installed the temporary road bridge to Eastern access across Carl Beck Watercourse
- Commenced construction of site access to the north side of Carl Beck Watercourse
- Completed the installation of Stockproof fencing to create boundary fence to adjacent landowners land.
- Dismantled the existing Dry Stone Wall for re-use on site
- Removed the trees and shrubs ahead of general construction activities on site.
- Installed safety edge protection to southern embankment
Upcoming works -
- Topsoil strip to the Track B access road north of Carl Beck Watercourse
- Construction of Track B access road
- Subject to approval – Engineering Survey of land ahead of Track A construction works
- Ecology works to install a series of BAT boxes and Bird Boxes to existing Woodland area
Have a lovely weekend and I hope the weather is kind to us all.
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