Update by Julie Oakley
Planned work in your area
Good morning,
As you might already be aware from our recent letter. We’re embarking on a project to upgrade the sewage treatment works in Slaley. This project is part of a £5,000,000 investment aimed at enhancing water quality in Reeston and March Burn as a key deliverable of the Water Industry National Environmental Programme (WINEP). The goal is to ensure continued resilient wastewater services for our customers.
All of work will take place within and directly adjacent to our site boundary and will be undertaken by our supply partners Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB). We don't anticipate any disruption for you, we just want to make you aware that you may notice an increase in activity and some heavy vehicles using the access route close to the village. Please be assured we are committed to keeping all disruptions to a minimum.
Work is due to start on site week commencing the 3rd of June, working Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM with the current programme expecting us to be on site for 12 months.
We’re hosting a customer event on the 9th of April at Slaley Commemoration Hall between the hours of 3pm and 6pm. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our project, ask questions and share your thoughts with the project team. It would be great to see you there.
If you are not able to make our customer event, you can always reach out by leaving a comment on this post and one of the project team will be in touch or alternatively you can call our customer contact centre on 0345 717 1100.
Either way we would love to hear from you and get your feedback on our plans.
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