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Tunstall Reservoir Improvement Works

Together with our supply partners Esh Stantec we plan to carry out improvement works to Tunstall Reservoir during 2023. These works are needed to ensure the resilience of the reservoir.

Update by Dave Eden

Hi All,

I’d like to give you an update and a bit more information on what is happening at Tunstall Reservoir:

We are currently carrying out site investigation works in and around the spillway of the reservoir to give us the information we need to carry our improvement works on the reservoir in 2023.

The works comprise of:

Approximately 11 boreholes to determine geology and the extent of underground structures. I say approximately because the number changes depending on what we find and how conclusive the information is.

Block pull out test on the spillway blocks. The is designed to find the force required to pull one of the surfacing blocks off the spillway and ensure that they are strong enough to meet any imposed forces during an overflow.

Coreholes and trail pits into and around the spillway structure to verify the construction of the spillway and identify any weak areas.

To date we have completed 6nr boreholes and we are busy installing monitoring points in some of these which will allow us to check changes in the geology around the spillway over time.


Some of you may have also noticed the various site cabins and access arrangement we have created to allow the work above to be carried out. These include removing a section of the dam top dry stone wave wall, constructing a stone ramp to give us access to the spillway and fencing off certain areas to ensure we keep members of the public safe.

Please be assured that on completion of the works we will return all areas to their previous state as much as possible. Of course where we have removed grass this will take some time to re-establish itself.

We are endeavouring to create as little disruption as possible to residents, fishermen and other reservoir users. If you have any issues or would like further information, please feel free to approach me or Tony the site manager.

Thanks for taking the time to read and for visiting the NWL community portal.


Dave Eden

Project Manager

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