Aldbrough St John Sewage Treatment Works Upgrade

As part of the Water Industry National Environmental Programme (WINEP), we are investing £3.5 million to improve our treatment provision at Aldbrough sewage treatment works to improve the quality of effluent discharging to Aldbrough Beck and meet the demands of an increasing population in the wider catchment. The upgrade work will include the construction / installation of new inlet screens, primary settlement and storm treatment along with associated mechanical and electrical refurbishment. Our sewage treatment works aid NWL in improving the quality of rivers and coastal waters for the benefit of people, the environment and wildlife.

Project updates

Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Morning,

Just following the letters you should have received last week with information on our upcoming work at Aldbrough Sewage Treatment Works (STW), I just wanted to this opportunity to introduce some of the Project Team. My name is Gaby Ward, I am the Customer Liaison Officer for Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB). I will be conducting the engagement with our customers and posting regular updates on here. We also have David Greensmith, Northumbrian Water's Project Manager, David Mortemore Northumbrian Water's Customer Care Manager and working alongside myself at MMB is Colin Butler, our Contracts Manager and Martyn Dunbar our Site Agent. 

We are due to commence on site from Monday 26th February, and the work will take approximatley 12 months to complete. 

The first few weeks on site will allow the team to set up the site compound with our site cabins due to be delivered w/c Monday 18th March. During this time, it is necessary for us to implement a road closure along the road adjacent to the STW which will be in place for upto five working days. I have included a plan for you to view below. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause however, the safety of the public and our site team is our priority. Should you require any assistance, our site team will be more than happy to help you.

A copy of the letter is also available to view here.

If you have any questions in the mean time, please leave a comment below and a member of the project team will get back to you.

We look forward to working in your area, and hopefully meeting some of you along the way!


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