The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Bishopton Sewage Treatment Works Upgrade

We are investing £700k to improve the performance of our sewage treatment works at Bishopton. The work will involve an upgrade of the inlet system and flow monitoring. This will aid NWL in improving the quality of rivers and coastal waters for the benefit of people, the environment and wildlife.

Project updates

Update by Bethany Oakley

Good morning all,


We’ve almost completed the scheme and just wanted to let you know that there will be a little more activity from next week we carry out the demolition of redundant buildings. All the work will take place within our site, and we do not anticipate any disruption for you although there may be more noise.

The work will be limited to Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm.

We would like to thank you for your patience while we have been undertaking the upgrade and if you have any questions you’d like to ask us regarding the demolition stage, please feel free to add a comment in the box below and a member of the Project Team will respond.

Many thanks,


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Update by Bethany Oakley

Good morning,

I hope you are well.

Further to our last update, we have made some progress to the works that I’d like to share with you.

The storm returns and site returns pipework is now 100% complete and has passed their tests ready for us to turn the flows.

We have also completed the balance tank footpath meaning all structural works are now complete.

The balance tank outlet pipework is also 90% complete and the flume to the existing works pipework’s is 100% complete.

Our Site inlet pipework has now commenced, and I am pleased to advise that most of the remedial works and landscaping work has already been carried out and is complete, in readiness for the demobilisation.

We will share any further details that we think are relevant prior to the demobilisation on Site and answer any questions that you may have – please add a comment in the box below and a member of the Project Team will respond.

Take care and enjoy the rest of your week!


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Update by Bethany Oakley

Good morning, Everyone, 

I hope you're well and are looking forward to a nice long weekend!

I wanted to update you all on the progress made by the Site Team and since my last update. I'm pleased to advise that the following aspects to the works have now been completed, pumping slab along with the associated pipework, the storm returns PE pipework and all ducting. We have also completed 90% of the Site Returns pipework’s so it shouldn’t be too long until that’s all finished.

We have now commenced with the landscaping and remediation works.

Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation whilst we complete the Project.

If you’d like to ask us any questions or raise any concerns, please don’t hesitate to add a comment in the box below and one of the Project Team will respond as soon as possible.

Take care and speak soon!



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Update by Bethany Oakley

Good morning,

I hope you are well and having a great week so far! 

I'd firstly like to introduce myself, my name is Bethany Oakley and I am a Customer Liaison Officer for JN Bentley. Going forward, I will be taking on the Bishopton STW and will therefore be keeping you up to speed with the works and providing updates on the Customer Portal.

Since our last update, I am pleased to inform you of some further progress.

We have since installed the following, Haigh screen, balance tank, MCC panel & Kiosk, NPG base and kiosk and 90% of the ducting.

Our contractor, Intelect have fitted out the MCC kiosk with services and have pulled majority of cables from the MCC to site.

We will soon be starting on the rising main pipework, storm returns pipework & the pumping slab.

I will post a further update in the next month or so however, if you have any questions you'd like to ask us, please pop this in the comment box below and a member of the Project Team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you!



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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good afternoon,

Since our last update, the site compound area has been stripped of topsoil and laid with terram and stone. The site cabins are now set up and are fully operational with the water and electrics connected.

The team have dug out and stoned up the area ready for the concrete base to be poured where the new Haigh Inlet Screen will be installed. This will filter and treat the incoming flows.The existing pipeline has also been exposed and surveyed. 

Please leave a comment below if you have any questions, and a member of the project team will get back to you.




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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Morning!

I just wanted to post a quick update following the recent letter you should have by now receieved in the post regarding our upcoming works at Bishopton STW.  

Following my previous update introducing the Northumbrian Water Team working on the project, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the MMB site team working alongside myself. Jason Bradley is our Contracts Manager who will be managing the project, we also have our Site Agent, Sam Tilley, who will manage the day to day operations with the support of Carl Bellerby, our Site Engineer.

We just wanted to let you know that our work is due to commence from Monday 19th February. Please be aware for the first month or so, there will be an increase of vehicles accessing the STW while we set up our site compound, delivering materials and the site cabins. During this time, if you are in this area, please take extra care.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below, and a member of the project team will get back to you.

I will be posting another update in the next month or so.

Speak soon!


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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good morning,

I hope you are all well?

I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and some of the Project Team. My name is Gaby Ward, I am the Customer Liaison Officer for Mott MacDonald Bentley working alongside Jamie Oyebade, Northumbrian Water's Project Manager and John Hogg, Northumbrian Water's Customer Care Manager. We will be conducting the engagement with our customers and posting regular updates on here. 

You will have received a letter in the post recently letting you know about our upcoming work to upgrade Bishopton Sewage Treatment Works. I just wanted to let you know that investigation works mentioned in the letter have been carried out. 

Last week, our subcontractor, Castle Keep undertook the topographical and GPR surveys of Bishopton STW which, when we receive the results, we will be able to use to model the existing works and to aide our design. The Ground Investigation took place yesterday by our subcontractor, Dunelm. A borehole is dug into the ground, and samples are taken to allow us to understand the ground conditions at the treatment works. I have attached some photos below.

Please feel free to leave a comment below should you have any questions or even if you just wanted to say hello, we will be more than happy to help.

On behalf of the project team, we are looking forward to working in your lovely area.

Speak soon!




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