Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin
Good afternoon, I would just like to introduce myself Sarah Jayne Vickers and some of my colleagues you will see around site during the works in your area. I’m the Liaison officer for Mott MacDonald Bentley (the contractor for Northumbrian Water) who, along with Lee Cox Contract Manger, Jason Sweeney our agent and Helen Frost our Design Lead we will be your contacts should you have any queries about the work in your area.
The work is currently underway and is progressing well. Colin Burdon the Project manager, who previously introduced himself will provide regular updates as to the progress being made on site.
Here are our mug-shots so you can put our face to the names (haha)
Please feel free to contact us either on this portal or you can email me direct on sarahjayne.vickers@jnbentley.co.uk
Thank you for your patience
Sarah Jayne Vickers
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