Update by Christine Taylor
Good afternoon,
My name is Christine Taylor, the Customer Manager for Esh Stantec, the supply partner carrying out the works for Northumbrian Water.
We have arrived on site and set up our compound area within the reservoir boundary.
Stock proof fencing has been erected to segregate livestock from our working area. We have excavated around the existing scour pipe and the existing water treatment 800 dia supply main to the treatment works in preparation of the installation of the new pipework valves and concrete thrust restraints.
The team have also carried out some temporary works in the form of installing a stoned ramp access to the outlet tunnel spillway in readiness to carry out the new proposed Outlet Tunnel foundations and associated new pipework.
In the upcoming week we are planning to excavate for the new 600 dia cross connection pipework from the existing Scour main to the existing Water treatment supply main in readiness to install the new pipework .
If anyone would like to discuss our works in more detail, please feel free to contact us by commenting on this post or sending an email to nwl.customer@esh.uk.com.
Have a lovely weekend.
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