The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Chilton Lane Sewage Treatment Works upgrade

As part of the Water Industry National Environmental Programme (WINEP), we will be installing chemical dosing plant (ferric sulphate and sodium hydroxide) to enable the site to meet a revised Phosphorous discharge consent of 0.2 mg/l, which will apply from December 2024. Phosphorous is a nutrient and can cause algae to grow in watercourses, reducing biodiversity and river water quality. The improvement works will cost around £4.3m and is one of 27 sites within the NWG region to receive this upgrade.

Project updates

Update by Anya Lowes

Good afternoon,

Here is the latest update for Chilton Lane Sewage Treatment Works.

  • All mechanical and electrical works on site are now complete, with only 80% of the civil works left.
  • The new system has been brought live and is in the commissioning phase.
  • The process lab has now been delivered and is fully complete.
  • Effluent has begun passing through the new treatment process.
  • In the next coming weeks the process will be commissioned and chemical dosing will be introduced.
  • We will begin to look at our landscaping and planting works in preparation for completion of the project in November.

As always please get in touch if you have any questions.


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Update by Anya Lowes

Here is our latest update for Chilton Lane STW:

  • We are continuing to downsize our plant where necessary to utilise 90%.
  • Our pours for the chemical dosing slab and footpath have been completed.
  • The pipework to the Mecana (Motor Control Centre) is also complete.
  • The pumping station valve slab and upstands have been poured.
  • When on site our subcontractors have switched to using the main power which reduces the need for temporary sources.

If there are any questions don't hesitate to reach out.

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Update by Anya Lowes

Good afternoon,

Here's the latest update on our Chilton WTW project:

- The cofferdam to the pumping station is complete, and the shaft has been constructed.

- The Motor Control Centre panel has been installed on schedule, with Intelect on site for pre-cable work.

- We've finished 80% of the main site excavation and drainage, allowing us to reduce our plant equipment.

- We've also done several pours to improve the pumping and filtration process.

I've attached some photos to show our progress.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please let us know, and someone from our team will get back to you.

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Update by Anya Lowes


Here is our latest update for Chilton Lane STW:

  • Site excavation works are now 80% complete with only minor operations left.
  • We are now ready to start the drainage works due to shoring materials being on site.
  • Enabling works for the installation and delivery of our Chemical Dosing Kiosks are nearly complete.
  • Our water and service water mains have all been tested and now backfilled.
  • All building services are now complete for the new Motor Control Centre.

Traffic management will be in place on the 29th of May for one day outside the entrance to our compound. 
This is due to our Chemical Dosing units being delivered.

Please feel free to leave a comment below should you have any questions and a member of the project team will get back to you.

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Update by Anya Lowes

Good morning,

I just wanted to give a quick update on the site teams progress over at Chilton Lane STW.

  • The final infill for the Chemical dosing has now been completed.
  • Our paving areas on site are now 100% complete.
  • Although the weather has been quite challenging, when there has been opportunity all planned tasks have been fulfilled.
  • Formwork for the Mecana (MCC) has been completed this week and the concrete has been poured ready for the kiosk installation.

In the next month the team will be installing the MCC/kiosk and enabling works will begin for the pumping station construction.

I have included some photos of the progress.

As always feel free to leave a comment should you have any questions, and a member of the team will get back to you.



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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good afternoon,

I just wanted to let you know how our site team are progressing with the construction work at Chilton Lane STW.

  • The sub base (capping layer) to the concrete road has been installed.
  • As mentioned in our last update, the Northern Power Grid Kiosk is now complete.
  • The bases to the Mecana, NSAF and Chemical Dosing Tanks that improve the quality of the flows and capacity of the works have been dug out and stoned up.
  • The ducting works which feeds cables around the works are currently ongoing. 
  • The Primary Ferric Dosing Point of Application (POA), Secondary Dosing POA and Caustic Dosing POA  have been completed (see photos for reference). This area of the STW adds chemicals into the flows to ensure its treated to a high standard.
  • The Mecana blinding has been poured ready for the concrete base slab to be poured next week

In the next month or so the MCC trough will be installed, the under slab works to the NSAF will be carried out, the team will continue with the ducting works and the drainage works will be constructed for the Mecana. 

I have included some photos for you to view.

Please feel free to leave a comment below should you have any questions and a member of the project team will get back to you.



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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good afternoon,

Since our last update, the site team have been busy setting up our new compound area. The stone laydown area has been laid, and the site cabins have been delivered and are now up and running.

The area for the new Northern Power Grid (NPG) Kiosk has been dug out and ready to be stoned up in preparation for the concrete base to be poured. Once we return to work after the Christmas Break, the new kiosk will then be installed. The new access road area has also been dug out ready to be stoned up.

The site will be closing down for the Christmas break from Wednesday 20th December until Tuesday 2nd January. 

On behalf of the project team, we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good afternoon,

I wanted to take this opportunity to post our first update and introduce myself and some of the Project Team.
My name is Gaby Ward, I am the Customer Liaison Officer for Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) and will be conducting the engagement with our customers and posting regular updates on here. We also have Dave Groark, Northumbrian Water's Project Manager, and Dave Mortemore, Northumbrian Water's Customer Care Manager.
Working alongside myself at MMB is Rudi Smit, our Contracts Manager, Andy Stephenson our Site Agent and Tom Ransom our Site Engineer. 

Our site team commenced setting up the site compound on Monday 30th October and are making great progress. I have included some photos of the stoned up area where the cabins will be placed once they are delivered next week. 

Regular updates and photos of our construction work will be posted here, so keep a look out!

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below, and a member of the project team will get back to you.

Speak soon!


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