The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Cotherstone Repair, Barnard Castle

We will be investing £800,000 in our strategic trunk mains network. The planned works are made up of the refurbishment of a pipe bridge and the repair of one of our large diameter raw water pipes.

Planned works

Investing in our trunk mains strategic water network

We plan to refurbish an existing pipe bridge (River Balder Pipe Bridge) and carryout a repair to one of our large diameter raw water pipes, will be investing £800,000 starting the works in July 2017 for up to six months.

Our construction partner Mott McDonald Bentley will be carrying out the work on our behalf.

Overall the works are made up of pipe bridge refurbishment, this works will involve repairs to the lattice work as well as repainting the bridge before carrying out a repair to a 24 inch pipe, in this case we will be utilising the 24” pipe as a duct and inserting a new 560mm HDPPE pipe 65m in length through the host pipe.         

The works are spit into four phases:

  • Erect temporary scaffold to access and support Pipe Bridge for refurbishment.
  • Remove temporarily onto the scaffold and replace on completion of bridge refurbishment two distribution pipes, this allows further access to the bridge structure refurbishment.
  • 24” pipe insertion, end connections thrust restraint.
  • Restoration of the two distribution pipes, tie all pipes back onto the bridge, removal of scaffold and demobilisation from site.
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