Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin
Good afternoon All, just want to give you a quick overview of what is going on as we speak.
Works are underway for the preparation of the Micro-Tunnelling which is due to start on the 25th November. During the middle of last week, we began work to excavate the launch pit, located in the old car park along territorial lane. There was also the arrival of a 50t Crawler Crane (picture included below).
This week we are setting up the micro tunnelling equipment in the launch pit, and on Wednesday after the installation of the Traffic Management, the excavation of the reception pit will begin (3-4 days). The reception pit is where the micro tunnelling is being directed. It is approximately 57 meters in length of drilling, between launch and reception pit. This activity will take 2 weeks to complete, following this week commencing 9th December we will be demobilising the tunnelling equipment. If you are interested in seeing a video please select the hyperlink which will direct you to a short vidoe on YouTube of Micro tunnelling.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment below or use the ‘contact us’ at the top of the page to speak to one of our project team.
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