The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Durham City Sewer Network Improvements

We are planning work to improve the performance of the sewer network in Durham City and improve your environment.

Project updates

Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon the area on Green Lane that we used for the remote site compound has now been cultivated. Typically, germination takes between five and 10 days. Once germinated, the grass will continue to grow at a rate of about 2/3cm per week.



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good morning, we want to make you aware Pipetec, our subcontractor will be carrying out some remedial work to the road resurfacing on our behalf at Freemans Place, Walkergate, Durham.  Work will start at 7.30 am on Sunday 13th June and will run throughout the day. The road will remain open whilst the work takes place.

Any questions please don’t hesitate to call the Customer Contact Centre on 0345 717 1100.



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good Morning it's been several months since we demobilised the site from Green Lane, Old Elvet. We mentioned that we had top soiled the compound area and would return spring to complete the seeding. We are waiting for the weather to improve before we come and revisit this. Hoping for a couple of weeks of dry weather to pop along and finish off work.

We will keep you posted and let you know once this is complete.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, please comment below.



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon I hope you are well.

Since we returned from our festive shut down on the 4th January, we have been working on some of the final bits ready for completion. Due to the poor weather conditions, progress has been a little slower than planned. After a couple of cancellations due to the poor forecast, tonight from 8 pm we will be resurfacing at Elvet Waterside then move onto Freemans Place, both locations will reopen at 6 am.  

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding while we have been carrying out this essential work.



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon all, time for another update ready for MMBs festive shut down which starts on Wednesday 23rd December till 4th January 2021.

Whilst much of our work is now complete, we still need to return in the New Year to do some final tidying up.

Old Elvet will include installing the traffic island outside of Hotel Indigo, removal of rock and replacement of the topsoil at the site compound at Green Lane and resurfacing the parking bays at Elvet waterside, the resurfacing will be done overnight on the 6th January, a road closure will be in place overnight.

Walkergate there are final reinstatements to complete which will also be carried out overnight starting the evening of the 6th January, again a road closure will be in place overnight.

We will keep you update of our progress in the new year.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding while we have been carrying out this essential work and would like to wish you a peaceful Christmas and New Year.



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon all, quick post to confirm that we will be resurfacing Old Elvet tomorrow and Monday, this will be the stretch of road outside of The County Hotel. This work will take place within our fenced area, and the road will remain open through the resurfacing work under the current traffic arrangements. Once its complete we will be able to remove the traffic management.

We also have overnight road closure planned at Walkergate for Monday 14th and Tuesday the 15th December at Freemans Place this will be between 8pm and 6am.

If you would like to find out more, please don’t hesitate to use the contact us option at the top of the page, comment below or get in touch at get in touch at



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good morning all,  after my site visit yesterday, its time to give you a quick update as to where we are and what we have coming up.

Along Old Elvet most of the pipe work and Manhole construction is complete, there is one final excavation we need to do, which is to tie in the highways gully outside of the TA building, to our new system. This is quite a tricky part as there are several services in the trench, we need to dig. All being well this will be complete mid next week in time for our resurfacing sub-contractor to reinstate the road surface along Old Elvet. The resurfacing should not have too much of an impact as it will not exceed the boundary we already have in place and will be under the same traffic management arrangement as we are now. As well as this section of resurfacing we also need to do permanent resurfacing to Elvet Waterside which will see a couple of the parking spaces blocked of for the day. The whole of the resurfacing works will be 2 days and is likely to start on Wednesday or Thursday next week. 

At Walkergate things are on plan and work on the riverside continues at the CSO. There will be further overnight road closures which are likely to be for 2 nights week commencing 14th December. Once I have further information ill will confirm these dates.

If you would like to find out more, please don’t hesitate to use the contact us option at the top of the page, comment below or get in touch at get in touch at



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon

I hope you are well and managing in Lockdown 2. Our work is essential so whilst the pandemic is ongoing, so are our teams.

Old Elvet Storage

Work has progressed well, and we are almost at the final hurdle on Old Elvet. All the storage pipes are installed outside the County Hotel, new manholes 1 and 3 have been constructed, no 2 will be started towards the middle of next week and take around 6 days to complete. This bit will be quite tricky as its on top of an existing culvert.

As well at the construction of manhole 2 over the next couple of weeks, we need complete work such as tying in the highway gully’s, installing safety metal work into the manholes before the new system can go live.

Once that’s all done, we have some tidying up to in the area, including replacing the traffic island outside of Hotel Indigo, permanent reinstatement between Territorial Lane and New Elvet and finally the white lining and road markings on that stretch of road. Once we have confirmation of the resurfacing dates, we will communicate these.


Our latest update mentioned overnight working to carry out some of the tasks. We would like to confirm most of the overnight work is complete and went as planned. We do however have some further overnight work planned towards mid-December to carry out work such as, the permanent resurfacing of the area. As before we will communicate this by letter to the affected properties.

This week work has started on the construction of the CSO at the river side, the concrete is being poured this week for the structure. Over the next couple of weeks, they will be working on the completion of the CSO and tying everything together before the system goes live.

Towards the back end of the programme, the last couple of weeks before Christmas we will be completing activities such as removing our working platforms off the riverside, reimporting materials  and topsoil to bring the riverside back to its original level, reinstating footpaths and getting the original fencing put back up.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at or  us the contact us link at the top of this page and one of the project team will get back to you.

Thank you.


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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon all, we communicated last week that we would be carrying out night shift work WC 19th October for 5 nights at Freemans Place. This has now been cancelled, and we will inform you when we have a new date.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon all, a further update regarding our work in Durham.

Old Elvet Storage

After the delay in the pipes getting delivered work has progressed very well, you will see our barriers along Old Elvet after the traffic lights, which are currently restricting the access to the front car park to The County Hotel, this is whilst we install our storage pipe across their entrance. The restriction will be removed once we are clear of that section, expected to be towards the back end of next week. So far, we have installed 16.5m of pipe and have another 41m to install, which could hold approximately 14,300 gallons of water, which is on average 350 bath full's. We are on track for this work to be complete by the end of November.


We successfully held our first overnight road closures last week at Freemans Place, whilst we worked to install our pipework around some live services in the ground. This will require further nightshift working next week, starting on Monday 19th for 5 nights, to complete this section of the pipe work.

The tunneling sub-contractor is starting onsite this week for up to 3 weeks, to tunnel towards the Combined Sewer Outfall (CSO).

We appreciate our work can be disruptive and the team would like to thank everyone for your continued patience and understanding whilst the essential works are being complete.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at or alternatively us the contact us link at the top of this page.

Thank you.


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