Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin
Good afternoon, we just wanted to share with you some of the community work we have done in the area earlier in the year. Throughout our project Weardale Railway have been nothing but accommodating especially when we carried out our work across the footbridge. We decide to say thank you and give something back to them. Several members of the project team (MMB Sarah Jayne Vickers, Will Brown, Jessisca Merrit, Gaby Ward, Rob Anderson, Pat Corris, NWG Peter Greenan and Turner and Townsend Leila Tunstall) who all volunteered to paint the fence at Bishop Auckland West stand. We were really grateful that the rain held off, it did threaten to rain a number of times! There was even time for a coffee and donut break, well deserved for everyone involved. I have included a few photos below of the day.
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