Update by Bethany Oakley
Good morning all,
I hope you’re well.
I wanted to provide an update on the works that the Team have carried out since returning from the Christmas Break, some great progress has been made for sure.
Armah modifications in the existing MCC panel have been completed to allow PLC testing and the IDEC have commissioned the PLC. Intellect have pulled the cables and dressed same to storm pumps; outstation panel fitted to wall of MCC. Inlet wingwall shutters have been completed to the west side, the concrete has been poured, and shutters stripped. The coping stones were replaced to the North end of storm overflow tank and abandoned inlet channels grouted up.
The Selwood over pumping was off hired and the pumps removed. The generators and fuel cells will be collected next week
If you have any questions regarding the works, please don’t hesitate to add a comment in the box below and a member of the Project Team will respond accordingly.
Take care and speak soon,
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