The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Hexham STW Refurbishment

We are investing over £4.9 million to improve Hexham Sewage Treatment Works. This investment is being undertaken to address asset condition and performance concerns meeting the demands of the upstream drainage catchment. Undertaking this refurbishment work will improve the sites compliance resilience, reducing the likelihood of future pollution incidents, minimising operator intervention improving site Health & Safety. Our sewage treatment works aids NWL in improving the quality of rivers and coastal waters for the benefit of people, the environment and wildlife.

Project updates

Update by Dave Eden

Morning All.

Time for a Hexham STW Refurb update:

The main electrical install is now complete, although there are various ancillaries still outstanding such as site lighting. ‘Dry’ commissioning is underway this week with a view to carry out ‘wet’ commissioning next week, before proceeding to end to end testing and training.

The turning head/crane pad is now complete allowing for easy turning of delivery vehicles and an up to 90t crane to set up within reach of the screens, penstocks and filter cresset distributors for any future maintenance needs. Footpaths around the area are progressing well, as are landscaping and soak aways drains.

We have poured the filter access platform base to allow a new steel access platform to be erected which should be in place today, replacing the temporary scaffold we have had in place for some time.

Further welding and exchanging of bolts is underway on the new inlet screens tank to ensure watertightness in advance of commissioning. Hopefully this will bottom out any remaining issues.

The settled sewage pumping station pumps have been procured and delivery is awaited. Once they are on site, we will get them installed as soon as there is labour available, as this will alter the flow rate to the new filters, ensuring that they work optimally.


Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Afternoon All.

Time for a Hexham STW Refurb update:

Welding is continuing on the new inlet screens tank to ensure watertightness in advance of commissioning. This should be complete in the next few days and allow a water test next week.

We are continuing with turning head/crane pad pours. We have completed three included the largest – the crane pad. We have fours pours left, two of which we are hoping to pour this week if the weather allows. We’re also working on some one the site footpaths and landscaping when other works allow.

The electrical install continues well. The new MCC is now powered on and glanding and terminating is continuing with a view to commissioning the new inlet works WC 07/10/24.

We expect the new pumps for the Settled Sewage Pumping Station in the next week or so, so the pump changes should happen next month all things being equal.


Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Morning All.

Let’s get up to speed on Hexham STW Refurb:

Welding is underway on the new inlet screens tank to ensure watertightness in advance of commissioning. This should be complete in the next few days and allow a water test next week.

The distribution chamber is now complete bar some instrument reinstallation.

The last of the significant civils works has commenced with the first of the turning head/crane pad pours happening today, whilst landscaping continues between the filter beds.

The inlet works ductile iron pipework is complete, as is the 2” wash water supply.

The electrical install is progressing well; the vast majority of the tray work is in place and cabling is well underway. We are hoping to power up the new MCC next week with a view to starting commissioning early next month.

Alterations to the pumps in the settled sewage pumping station is also planned for early next month, depending on deliveries.

It's coming together.

Thanks for taking the time to read the update.

Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Morning All.

Time for another update on Hexham STW Refurb:

The installation of the new inlet works continues to progress well. All mechanical elements are now in place and the electrical installation is underway. Once this is complete there will be some final adjustments to the open mesh flooring, to account for the changes thing like isolator stands will require, before they are sent away to be regalvanised.

The distribution chamber waterproofing has now been completed and all the open mesh access flooring reinstated. There is a small amount of block work to complete to fully isolate the mothballed filters and some instruments to re-install, but the works are largely complete in this area. Over-pumping will be removed in the coming day or two.

Minor civils works are continuing around the inlet works to construct new footpaths before we start working on the turning head and crane pad later in the week. These will provide vehicular access for maintenance to the new inlet works.

The inlet works ductile iron pipework has been on hold whilst new support brackets are fabricated but it should be complete this week.

Thanks for taking the time to read the update.

Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Afternoon All.

Let’s get up to speed on Hexham STW:

The installation of the new inlet works is progressing well. The new screens and penstocks have been lifted into position by crane and fixed in place, whilst the open mesh flooring on the access platform continues to be finalised.

Various civils works are continuing, but as mentioned last time, these are now restricted to mostly reinstatement/surfacing works. We have constructed some pipe support plinths for the new inlet works pipework and also reinstatement some paving around the same area, so we are clear of the area whilst the pipework is installed.

Speaking of the inlet works pipework, that is now underway. All of the pipework is above ground and installed on pipe support brackets, so no excavation. This will be continuing for the next 2 weeks or so.

The electrical installation has consisted of cable pulling and containment around the distribution chamber and cable pulling to and from the new MCC panel.

We also have a new over pumping set up on site so that the distribution chamber can be isolated, and the final epoxy waterproofing applied. This work is weather dependant but is hoped to commence in the next few days.

Thanks for taking the time to read the update.

Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Afternoon All.

Things are really starting to shape up at Hexham STW Refurbishment.

The installation of the new inlet works tank is complete and the installation of the platform above it, which will allow the penstocks and screens to be accessed and maintained, is approaching completion.

The civils work is now largely restricted to roads, surface finishes and reinstatement but there’s still plenty to be keeping us busy with manhole mowing strips, footpaths and pipe support plinths.

Electrical installation is starting to gather speed, with the UMON4 hardware all in place and tray work and supports being assembled. The MCC and wash water booster have both been delivered to site and installed inside their respective kiosks.

The screens and penstocks are due to be installed in the new inlet screens tank starting early next week, so if you are in the area, you may be able to spot the crane.

The above ground pipework to connect it all together will commence the following week to avoid clashes in a relatively restricted work area.

Thanks for taking the time to read the update.

Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Afternoon All.

Time for a progress update for Hexham STW Refurbishment:

We have completed the reinstatement of the site road around the site offices and handed that area back to NWL.

The installation of the new inlet works tank is complete bar some benching sections which can’t be installed until the mechanical items are in place. We will be carrying out a water test in the next few days to check for any leaks. The installation of the access platform over the tank is underway.

Electrical installation is continuing intermittently whilst we wait for the access platform to be completed. We are currently working on the replacement flow sensor (UMON4).

The above ground pipework has largely arrived on site and installation will commence in the coming weeks.

Now that the recirculation over-pumping has been removed from site, we have started reinstating the area around the distribution chamber in between the old and new filters. The recirculation manholes are to be retained, but need some final works such as setting the finished covers in place with mowing strips before we can landscape the area.

Thanks for taking the time to read the update.

Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Hello all.

Since the last update for Hexham STW Refurbishment, we have completed the seeding of the two new filter beds and are in the process of removing the over pumping, so the new filters are now doing all the filtration work on site.

All of the inlet works slabs are now complete and the civils gang is progressing concrete repairs to the existing inlet works, followed by permanent reinstatement of the existing road where the wash-water main was laid.

The in-situ assembly of the inlet screens tank is on going and nearing completion before the access structure is built over it.

Extensions to the site road including a new turning head and permanent crane pad are planned but may have to wait until the larger mechanical items such as the wastewater screens are in place due to a tight working area.

MEICA (mechanical and electrical installs) has started with the reinstallation of the rotation sensors to filter 1 and 2, the placing of the MCC and wash water booster kiosks and the wash water booster tank. MEICA and above ground pipework will be continuing for a number of weeks though much of the works is reliant on the Inlet works superstructure being complete.

Thanks for taking the time to read the update.

Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Morning All.

Time for another update on the Hexham STW Refurbishment:

The seeding of the new filter beds looks to be complete and after some minor snagging we will be able to switch off the recirculation over-pumping and effectively take the two older filters out of service and allow the new filters to fully take over. The old filters will be retained so they can be brought back into service if necessary.

The inlet works area civils works is largely complete with just a plinth on top of the compressor slab still to pour. Erection of the prefabricated steel superstructure of the new inlet works is now underway.

Coring into the existing balancing tank is complete which will allow us to turn flows into the new inlet works at a later date.

Installation of the super-structure of the inlet works will continue for the next two weeks whilst the civils gang complete the wash water main. We then have a bit of a gap on the inlet works waiting on supply of the screens and penstocks, but the civils gang will still be going full speed on things like the crane pad, access road and repairs to the existing inlet works structure.

MEICA (mechanical and electrical installs) will be commencing in the next week or so, as will the final epoxy coating of the distribution chamber once over pumping is in place to isolate the distribution chamber.

Thanks for taking the time to read the update.

Dave Eden

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Update by Dave Eden

Morning All.

Let’s get up to speed on the Hexham STW Refurbishment:

The seeding of the new filter beds is continuing, but unfortunately the first set of external biological samples weren’t quite up to spec, so we’ll continue the process for a while longer. Further samples will be taken this week, with results available the back end of the week after.

The inlet works area is continuing – in addition to the main inlet screens slab we have now completed the MCC slab, the wash-water booster slab and all the ducts and draw pits bar a little tweaking.

Coring into the existing balancing tank has restarted and is hoped to complete by the end of the week despite some minor teething issues.

Installation of the super-structure of the inlet works is still planned to commence early June, but the final epoxy coating of the re-furbished distribution chamber has been re-arranged for a later date due to the ongoing seeding.


Dave Eden

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