The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Kielder Reservoir Improvement Works

Together with our supply partners Esh Stantec we plan to carry out improvement works to Kielder Reservoir over a period of 4 months. These works are needed to ensure the resilience of the reservoir.

Project updates

Update by Dave Eden

Hi all,

Time for a final update on the current phase of works at Kielder Reservoir:


All ground investigation works are now complete on the dam embankment and reservoir side by the spill way. These works have comprised 15nr boreholes, most of which include instrumentation so that the dam can be monitored remotely.

There is still some tidying up to complete such as the removal of the scaffolding on the water side of the dam crest wall, final clearance of the cabins and some landscaping on the dam embankment where our works have damaged the grass.

In respect to the landscaping, it is unfortunately too wet and also out of season to carry out the works and these will have to wait until the spring.


Further works are intending in the spring to lay ducting and node chamber to connect the new boreholes together and allow them to transmit signals rather than needing site visits for monitoring as is currently the case. These works should tie in nicely with the reinstatement of the dam embankment and permanent reinstatement of the dam crest road which has three small patches of temporary surfacing around new chambers.


Thanks for your patience during these works. I hope we were not too much disruption.


Dave Eden

Project Manager

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Update by Dave Eden

Hi All,

Time for an update on the Ground Investigation works at Kielder Dam:


We are continuing the borehole works on the dam embankment. Out of the eleven located on the dam itself we have completed eight. There are two outstanding on the embankment and one on the water side face of the dam where we have removed the stone wall.

All of these boreholes have instruments installed so that, once completed, the dam can be monitored remotely.

Three of the above-mentioned boreholes are in in the dam crest road but these have been covered with road plates for the time being to reduce disruption though we will have to carry out some work in the coming weeks to install small chambers over the boreholes.

We have also completed four boreholes on the north shore of the reservoir, just west of the dam which will be used to define possible future works to the spillway.


The works are currently expected to last until the end of November with a possible return in the spring to install some duct work and complete the electronic side of the monitoring installation.


Thanks for taking the time to read



Dave Eden

Project Manager

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Update by Dave Eden

Hi everyone, A quick update for the words on Kielder Reservoir dam:


We have commenced works on a number of boreholes on the dam embankment. 3nr are now completed out of an intended 15 in total and we have started another 3. A fourth borehole rig arrived on site today and will start work tomorrow so that we will have 4 boreholes underway at once.

The most disruptive works are on the dam crest road – one of these boreholes is complete, and the other 2 will both be underway tomorrow so hopefully the worst of the disruption will be out of the way by the end of the month. We are keeping traffic management to a minimum and using the less disruptive priority systems but please let us know if you are having difficulties.

Some of our boreholes are down on the reservoir side rather than on the dam embankment and while these are yet to start, we have made some alterations to give us level working platforms.


Thanks for taking the time to read


Dave Eden

Project Manager

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Update by Dave Eden

Hello all,

First of all, apologies for the lack of updates to this point, we have been busy setting up our site and getting internet access which any local will tell you is tenuous at best.

We started on site 05/09/22 setting up compounds and carrying out preparatory works before our main ground investigation teams arrived on 12/09/22. Since then we have been digging trial holes and drilling boreholes.

We currently have two borehole rigs on site, one on the crest top road and a slope climbing rig on the dam embankment. Over the course of the next few days we will be getting two further rigs to site to ramp up the works. These are intended to work on the dam embankment and the reservoir ‘beach’ below Hawkhope car park.

Some of the trial pits and one of current boreholes are on the crest top road which has meant we have to have traffic management in place. Rather than traffic lights we have opted for a priority system which should keep the small amounts of traffic running more smoothly. Please just try to assess the on coming traffic and take you turn as the signs instruct; you will mostly find you can drive straight through.

We will have further boreholes to carry out on the crest road as the works progress and the traffic management will be moved to accommodate but the road in never intended to be closed, just narrowed on the priority system, so access to Hawkhope car park will be maintained.

For those intending to attend or take part in the Kielder Marathon this weekend please be assured that we will reduce our presence to the minimum to ensure you can enjoy the races to the full. We will still have rigs in the area and on the dam embankment plus our fenced compound in Hawkhope car park but we will remove all equipment and materials from the crest top road and back fill and temporarily resurface any boreholes or trial pits we have open.

I have attached some photos for those interested, though due to the nature of the works most of it is happening below the surface.

Thanks for taking the time read

Dave Eden

Project Manager

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