The construction phase of this project is now complete.

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Kielder Reservoir Improvement Works

Together with our supply partners Esh Stantec we plan to carry out improvement works to Kielder Reservoir over a period of 4 months. These works are needed to ensure the resilience of the reservoir.

Update by Dave Eden

Hi All,

Time for an update on the Ground Investigation works at Kielder Dam:


We are continuing the borehole works on the dam embankment. Out of the eleven located on the dam itself we have completed eight. There are two outstanding on the embankment and one on the water side face of the dam where we have removed the stone wall.

All of these boreholes have instruments installed so that, once completed, the dam can be monitored remotely.

Three of the above-mentioned boreholes are in in the dam crest road but these have been covered with road plates for the time being to reduce disruption though we will have to carry out some work in the coming weeks to install small chambers over the boreholes.

We have also completed four boreholes on the north shore of the reservoir, just west of the dam which will be used to define possible future works to the spillway.


The works are currently expected to last until the end of November with a possible return in the spring to install some duct work and complete the electronic side of the monitoring installation.


Thanks for taking the time to read



Dave Eden

Project Manager

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