The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Otterburn, Rochester and Byrness WTW

Together with our supply partner, Mott MacDonald Bentley, Northumbrian Water is planning to replace the existing water treatment works at Otterburn, Rochester, Byrness as part of its ongoing investment programme. The old water treatment works will be replaced with a new modern high quality treatment systems to ensure the highest level of water quality and customer service for now and for the future.

Project updates

Update by Hedley Young

Hello everyone,

I am happy to say that this week sees our new water treatment works at Byrness will go into supply. 

The new works features the latest in technology and will ensure that the highest levels of customer service are provided for many years to come.

Customer supply will not be affected as we transition to the new treatment works. The new treatment process is very different to that used to produce your water in the past so there is a possibility that customers may notice a subtle difference in taste. More information regarding water quality, taste and smells can be found on our website.

Activities will continue on site for a short period to finish off the work (landscaping, planting, roads surfaces etc).

Work has been ongoing for quite some time and I'd like to thank eveyone for your patience and understanding as we deliver these essential improvements.

If you have queries please get in touch.



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Update by Hedley Young

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to be able to inform you that our new water treatment works at Rochester will go into supply this week. 

The installation of the new works is part of our ongoing improvement programme to ensure the highest levels of customer service are provided well into the future.

Customer supply will not be affected as we transition to the new treatment works. The new treatment process is very different to that used to produce your water in the past so there is a possibility that customers may notice a subtle difference in taste. More information regarding water quality, taste and smells can be found on our website.

Work will continue on site for a number of weeks to complete the landscaping, planting, roads and fences etc before final completion of the project.

I'd like to thank you so much for your patience as we deliver this important work.

If you have queries please get in touch.



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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning All,

Just a quick update to let you know where we are with our progress:-

Otterburn           -          Jason and the team are looking to demobilise the site within the next few weeks so you should see some vehicle movement from those works as the cabins etc will be relocated. Should you be travelling in the vacinity please be a little more vigilant.

Rochester          -          The testing is continuing to ensure all is good before it goes into supply (don't worry your domestic supply will not be affected) fingers crossed it will be approved within the next few weeks.

Byrness             -          After the all clear for Rochester, we can so the same testing at Byrness which will be a little more slicker in it's completion.


Again thank you for your patience and understanding during this project and should you have any questions please drop me a line. 

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

Following on from Hedley's previous post I thought I just update you further.

Otterburn     -     We are currently decommisioning and removing the old building, althought it is taking a little longer than expected due to one or two constraints. An example being we have to hand remove any tiles from the building in case of bats nesting.

Rochester    -     This will be going into supply on 23rd, again it won't have any affect on your water supply or water pressure.

Byrness       -      We are awaiting the rigorous water quality testing results (they all have to go through), so completing the commissioning with transpire in the coming weeks. Admittled it's taking a little longer than normal due to supply issues but we will get there.

Once again I would just like to reiterate Hedley's comments, thank you so much for your co-operation and understanding during these projects it has been a long road and we are working our way tirelessly to the end.

Please feel free to ask us any questions you may have.




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Update by Hedley Young

Hello everyone,

We have reached a landmark in our project as the new water treatment works at Otterburn will go into supply tomorrow, 3rd March. This will commence a proving period after which we can begin decommissioning of the existing works.

The new works incorporates state of the art technology and is part of our ongoing improvement programme to ensure the highest levels of customer service are provided into the future.

Customer supply will not be affected as we transition from the existing to the new treatment works. The source of the water remains the same but the treatment process is very different so there is a possibility that customers may notice a subtle difference in taste. More information regarding water quality, taste and smells can be found on our website.

We continue to work with our supply partners to finalise the installation of the new treatment works at Rochester and Byrness and hope to bring these on-line in the coming months.

As you are likely aware, this project is taking longer than expected and we appreciate and thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

If you have queries please get in touch.




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Update by Joan Tatters


Just a different kind of update............have a look. (the new unit)

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

It's been a little while since my update...............

Work is progressing well at both Rochester and Byrness sites, the team are really cracking on with the project. Admittedly the weather during this past few months has been a challenge however Jason the his team have really made their mark.

Great news the Otterburn site has gone into supply and is currently going through the rigorous 14days testing process. Fingers crossed 1 from 3 will be ticked off soon.

This doesn't have any affect on your supply whatsoever so please don't be concerned.

We had hoped to be involved in the First School's Summer Fayre at Otterburn but I understand it's been put back to September but will still plan to participate then.

Thanks again for your continued understanding and patience and please if you want to ask me anything about the project just drop me a post.


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

Just a brief update on how things are progressing at Byrness.

The ground conditions haven't done us any favours as well as the bonkers weather we've had, that said the ground works have progressed nicely and the access road is starting to take shape. In the coming weeks we will be concentrating on muck moving so we can start on the new building.

Here are few photos of our experiences that last few weeks:-


Happy to answer any questions you may have


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

Apologies, late notice of the traffic lights being introduced in Rochester, they will be there for two weeks whilst the team do a pipe connection in the middle of the road.

Please take care.



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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning All,

Whilst the team have been hindered by recent inclement weather, that said it was Spring like at the weekend, they have made steady progress with this scheme. 

You may have noticed recently that other ongoing activities by Northumbrian Water are taking place in the village. I’d like to assure you that this specific work, including tankering is unrelated to this project.

The tankering is to ensure the continuity of supply to customers in the area and plan to have these operational activities resolved imminently.

Our site team will always be helpful and assist where possible so please if you have any questions or concerns they would be happy to help. (social distancing of course)

Thank you again for your understanding.

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