Update by Joan Tatters
Good Morning,
Following on from Hedley's previous post I thought I just update you further.
Otterburn - We are currently decommisioning and removing the old building, althought it is taking a little longer than expected due to one or two constraints. An example being we have to hand remove any tiles from the building in case of bats nesting.
Rochester - This will be going into supply on 23rd, again it won't have any affect on your water supply or water pressure.
Byrness - We are awaiting the rigorous water quality testing results (they all have to go through), so completing the commissioning with transpire in the coming weeks. Admittled it's taking a little longer than normal due to supply issues but we will get there.
Once again I would just like to reiterate Hedley's comments, thank you so much for your co-operation and understanding during these projects it has been a long road and we are working our way tirelessly to the end.
Please feel free to ask us any questions you may have.
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