Update by Brian Hall
Good morning all, we are back on site and about to start work again. We will be here for the next 6 weeks or so installing the new kiosk and finishing off the job, we shouldnt cause much disruption at all. Having listened to local people on our last visit we have had a redesign of the kiosk done, making it narrower and taller to reduce the impact it has and allowing full access to the harbour stores, we have also had the security verbal warning turned off at site so people walking by dont get shouted by the automated voice! we werent aware that was a built in feature of the security systems so sorry if that caused any problems. I will be visiting site next week and talking to people who may be effected by works, in the meantime feel free to speak to our site staff who are friendly and only too happy to chat or send us a comment on here. Thanks for bearing with us, Brian
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