Update by Christine Taylor
Good morning,
As we are now on site at Selset reservoir, I thought it would be a good time to introduce our team and then provide an update from our site team.
My name is Christine Taylor, the Customer Service Manager for Esh Stantec, the contract partner carrying out the works for Northumbrian Water. The aim of my team is enure we engage with our customers and communities.
The project on site is led by my colleague, Andrew McKenna, Contracts Manager for Esh Stantec. Andrew will oversee the work here and at Grassholme reservoir. He will be working between sites and the office, but is always on hand when we need him.
The Project Manager, Ian Douglas, who is also working at Grassholme too. Ian is on site, overseeing all the work along our team, his job is to ensure everything goes to plan. He is always happy to help if you have any questions.
If you have any concerns or queries, please contact us using the following options:
- Comment on this post
- Send a message via the 'Contact Us' option on the portal
- Call 03457 171100 and a member of the project team will call you back
- Or contact Northumbrian Water via Facebook or Twitter
Can I take this opportunity to remind our customers that the construction site is a dangerous place, the general public are not permitted within our working area for their own safety.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine, we will be back in touch soon.
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