The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Selset Reservoir Improvement Works

Together with our supply partners Esh Stantec we plan to carry out improvement works to Selset Reservoir over a period of 7 months. These works are needed to ensure the resilience of the reservoir. We will endeavour to keep disruption to a minimum, due to low water levels in the reservoir and the need for construction machinery access and free movement the reservoir will be closed to the public for the duration of our works.

Update by Christine Taylor

Good morning,

We can now confirm our work at Selset Reservoir is now complete.

The repairs to the sloping pitching areas of the Reservoir dam are complete. Approx. 8600m2 OSA was supplied and laid along the Reservoir revetment area of the dam.  Additionally a new stainless steel grille has been fitted to the inlet structure entrance. 

Our site compound and welfare cabins have been dismantled and removed off site.  Reinstatement of the Visitor Car Park has been completed and the entrance gatepost is being replaced.

Although our works are completed, Stonbury are working on behalf of Northumbrian Water carrying out separate works to the Reservoir Spillway and will continue for a further period of weeks.

Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we carried out our works.


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