Update by Loren Jennings
Good morning.
I wanted you to know that we are going to have surveyors out in Eston to collect more information to use in our study. They will be measuring the size and shape of several watercourses and associated culverts, which will help us calculate how much water they can carry. With this information, we can better understand flood risk.
This work is not expected to affect traffic and will happening at multiple locations including:
- Cross Beck
- Sheep Beck
- Spencer Beck
- Various unnamed watercourses in general proximity to the A174, Oatfields Ct, Woodlands Rd, Eston Rd, & Bevanlee Rd
We’re following government guidelines, to keep our teams, customers and communities safe during our work. If you want to ask us a question or simply say hello, please remember to keep a safe two meter distance.
Thank you very much,
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