
Springwell Enhancements Project

Northumbrian Water proposes to construct a new underground service reservoir on land it owns off Mount Lane, along with related pipe work in the local area, in a £56m project to commence Spring 2023, following preparatory work on site. The proposed project will not only make the water supply to customers in Springwell Village and the surrounding areas more secure, but will also enable us to support the wider Wearside and South Tyneside areas with a more reliable and resilient water supply for many years to come. The reservoir would strengthen and future-proof the company’s existing network in the area, providing storage for around 50,000 properties in South Tyneside. In addition the new reservoir will enable us to provide improved resilience to the water networks to the east of Springwell Village, benefiting a further 200,000 properties in South Tyneside and Wearside.

Update by Anya Lowes

Hi All,

We wanted to provide an update on ongoing and upcoming work across the project.

Eighton Banks

Testing continues on the pipeline laid between the Bowes Railway and the Wagon pub. We will advise on progress in future updates on the outcome of that testing.

As a reminder we plan to close the junction between Galloping Green Road & Sandy Lane from the 6 January 2025 for 8 weeks. We held a customer drop-in session for the residents in the area this week, thank you to everyone who came to talk to us. We will be erecting advanced notice signage in the location before the work begins.

As the Christmas period approaches our site operations will close down from the 20 December until 2 January and during this period the Public Rights of Way will be reopened in Eighton Banks.

Reservoir Site Update

The final roof pour at the reservoir site is scheduled for 3 December, subject to weather conditions.

Peareth Hall Road

Work on stabilising the rock face at the A194 Northbound hard shoulder began on 25 November and is expected to be completed next week. Excavations have started along the PROW in preparation for the installation of 150 meters of pipe. You may see the occasional vehicle crossing from the compound to the pipelaying section and vice versa. A banksman will supervise these crossings. 

Other things to note in the coming weeks.

Following the pipe crossing along Peareth Hall Road, we mentioned we would need to return to carry out the permanent resurfacing. This has been planned to be undertaken on Tuesday 10 December and will involve a full road closure for one day between 8:30am and 6:00pm. Footpaths on either side of the road will remain open during this time.

Sunderland City Council will also carry out resurfacing on Mount Lane from 9 December. Further details will follow directly from the council. 


We appreciate your patience as we work to complete these critical improvements.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch.




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