
Springwell Enhancements Project

Northumbrian Water proposes to construct a new underground service reservoir on land it owns off Mount Lane, along with related pipe work in the local area, in a £56m project to commence Spring 2023, following preparatory work on site. The proposed project will not only make the water supply to customers in Springwell Village and the surrounding areas more secure, but will also enable us to support the wider Wearside and South Tyneside areas with a more reliable and resilient water supply for many years to come. The reservoir would strengthen and future-proof the company’s existing network in the area, providing storage for around 50,000 properties in South Tyneside. In addition the new reservoir will enable us to provide improved resilience to the water networks to the east of Springwell Village, benefiting a further 200,000 properties in South Tyneside and Wearside.

Project updates

Update by Anya Lowes

Afternoon everyone,

I wanted to let you know ahead of the weekend what work we have planned for next week in case that affects you directly.

The health and safety of our teams, customers and communities is our top priority and we need to close Springwell Road - affecting the section between B1288 and Mount Lane only  from Monday 22 July for up to 4 weeks. This is so we can lay the new 1000mm reservoir outlet pipe through the road.

We’ll do everything we can to get the pipelaying work done so the road can be re-opened more quickly. This includes increasing our daily working hours, working 8am to 8pm on weekdays and 8am to 5pm on a weekend. This should help speed up the work so Springwell Road can reopen as quickly as possible.

Please see our diversion plan here - Springwell Road.

At the reservoir site, we will be continuing with large excavation work around the north-west corner of the reservoir over the next four weeks. During the first three days of the road closure, we will be managing access for the excavation work to construction traffic only.

Over at Eighton banks the footpath remains closed but we are waiting for approval from Gateshead Council for it to be reopened. I hope to be able to share with you the reopening date soon as listening to the feedback we’ve received; I know that’s important to members of the community. 

For the public footpaths that are open for use, I would ask that you please take extra care when walking by our working areas.


I will be in touch again when I have more information to share and, in the meantime, thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we complete these essential improvements.

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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

We have just posted a new video under the pages tab titled ‘Springwell reinstatement’ the video shares the reinstatement visions for the reservoir site and connecting 5.5 kilometre pipeline connecting to Washington.

You can click this link to take you direct to that page Springwell Reinstatements - Springwell Enhancements Project - Northumbrian Water Living Water (nwlcommunityportal.co.uk)

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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Hi all, we are here with our latest update.
Over at Eighton banks, later than expected, we are now encroaching into the carriageway, our excavations are now extending into Galloping Green Road at the junction with Thomas Street. Whilst we are laying pipe in this section access via Galloping Green Road onto Thomas Street will be blocked. We expect to be past this point within the next 3 weeks. Once this closure reopens, we will then be pipelaying north towards Sandy Lane as we pass the rear of Thomas Street which will be closed, Our pipelaying will stop short at the Junction of Sandy Lane / Galloping Green Road with a planned return early 2025 to carry out the final main connection. Once we have more information on this, I will update you.
We have been working on the footpaths and are very nearly there with getting some of these reopened, which will give you access to Springwell Village via the cut through from the Engine Room. Please note, this is alongside one of our working areas and at times our construction traffic may need to be supervised through. For everyone's safety, gates have been installed and will be closed to allow the passing of our vehicles on occasions.
On our reservoir site we have been progressing very well. The next concrete pour will be this Wednesday the 10th of July which will require working later into the night to complete the power floating, With another pour following early August.
Over the next couple of weeks, we are expecting a delivery of a welding tent, this sits on single story cabins and will be located on our compound at Mount Lane closest to the road. This is a temporary installation whilst we need to weld pipes on site.
Also to note one of the cranes on site will be getting swapped out, I don’t have this date as yet but expect this will be in the next few weeks.
Over our three pipeline sections we are still progressing having laid approximately 597m of pipe in the past week taking us to around 60% of the way through with pipelaying.
Just a reminder Springwell road closure is fast approaching and will be from the 22nd of July for 4 weeks, followed by the closure at Peareth Hall Road from the 19th August.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we progress with these essential enhancements. 
Should you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out.


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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Hi everyone, just a quick update about the current works on site.

Starting July 1st, Thomas Street at Eighton Banks will be closed at the Galloping Green Lane junction for pipe laying (The front street, unmade road), the road will still be accessible via the south from Rockcliffe Way. We expect to be past this junction and at the rear of Thomas Street by July 29th, at which point Thomas Street will be reopened. During this time, our team will help with bin collections. Can we also ask that any parked vehicles are kept clear of this section of our work.

On our reservoir site we are still receiving deliveries of the precast walls and roof slabs.
Currently we are preparing for our next concrete pour which is planned for the 1st July.

The pipeline is still progressing over the past week we have laid approx 546m of pipe across our 3 sections.

Just a reminder Springwell road closure is approaching soon and will be from the 22nd of July for 4 weeks.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we progress with these essential enhancements. 
Should you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out.


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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Hi all,
Firstly, the team and I would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who attended our Customer Information sessions last Thursday. It was enlightening to see how perceptions can sometimes differ from reality. We’re committed to learning from this and enhancing our online and offline communications to help everyone visualise the final look of the reservoir site, and other work that will take place. The hope is to close the gap between engineering knowledge and the reality of what you will see around you as we continue delivering this project. I want to reassure everyone that the bare concrete walls you currently see will be covered with grass, and the banks will have a 1 in 2 gradient. For a clearer picture, we’ve added the visuals on the pages tab on the portal page featuring all the visual materials from the planning application, there are some minor alterations, such as the control building pictured. This was initially planned to be above ground but is now placed underground.

Project Progress
Eighton Banks
We acknowledge the frustrations caused by delays in this area, both to the community and our team. Originally, we hoped to reopen all footpaths and bridal ways by February, but this has not been possible. We sincerely apologise for this delay. The current plan is to complete pipelaying by the end of July. Meanwhile, we are exploring ways to partially reopen the footpath from the south side near the Engine Room up towards the old railway tracks to facilitate community access.

Reservoir Construction
Yesterday marked another milestone with the fourth out of eight concrete pours. Daily, approximately three roof panels are being delivered to the site. To stay on schedule, we plan to continue working Saturdays from 8 am to 1 pm, which will include crane lifts to position the precast walls and roof panels.

Mount Lane
Traffic management notices have been extended until the 14th of June. Work to the edges of Mount Lane is still being completed. We are also addressing some settlement issues in the tarmac and plan to complete repairs within the next week. Additionally, you’ll notice tidying efforts along Mount Park Road in the coming week.

Pipeline towards Washington
Progress here is steady, we’ve completed approximately one-fifth of the pipeline installation. The Peareth Hall Road closure is now rescheduled to begin on the 19th of August and will last four weeks. We aim to maintain pedestrian access where possible, though it won't always be feasible. It's important to note that this closure only affects a specific section between the PROWs alongside the A194, not the entire stretch of road. Please click HERE to view the diversion route plan.

Also, a quick reminder that our road closure on Springwell Road, is scheduled to start on July 22nd for up to 4 weeks. Please click HERE to view the diversion route plan.

As always, we are grateful for your patience and understanding as we push forward with these critical infrastructure improvements. We will continue to keep you informed through updates on our community portal and direct communications.

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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Hi, Please be aware that on Tuesday 4th June, Mott MacDonald Bentley staff will be attending our company seminar. As a result, all sites will be closed on that day. Operations will resume on Wednesday 5th June.

On the reservoir we have our next concrete pour in the south east section is scheduled for Thursday 6th June. Deliveries of 270m3 concrete will arrive throughout the day, followed by power floating, which is expected to continue through the night.

Thank you.

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Update by Anya Lowes

Afternoon everyone, 

We previously let you know that we would need to implement a full road closure on Peareth Hall Road starting from June 17th lasting for up to four weeks.

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen delays in the delivery of key components required to install the pipeline, we are not able to commence as planned. Once we have the new date, we will share it with you promptly.

We understand this change may cause inconvenience and frustration, and we sincerely apologise for any disruption this may cause. 

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Hi everyone,

Good news! The full road closure on Mount Lane will be removed today and replaced with priority signs instead of the originally proposed lights. This change is expected to significantly reduce waiting times for everyone. While our teams complete some necessary work on both edges of Mount Lane, the priority boards will be in place to ensure smooth traffic flow. These boards will be removed over the weekends when no work is being carried out, further minimising any inconvenience.

Additionally, we would like to inform you that our team will be working on the reservoir site this Saturday between the hours of 9 AM and 1 PM.

On Thursday 30th May,  we are holding three customer information drop-in sessions in our site cabins at Mount Lane. Car parking spaces will be available onsite if you chose to drive and pedestrian access is to be also available, please use the pedestrian access walkways marked out at the compound.

• Session 1, between 10:00 and 12:00

• Session 2, between 13:00 and 15:00

• Session 3, between 17:00 and 19:00 

If you unable to attend any of those session let me know and we can arrange an alternative date and time to suit.


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Update by Anya Lowes

Morning everyone, we hope this message finds you well. Here is the latest update for Springwell Enhancements Project.  

Mount Lane will reopen to single file traffic and pedestrians this Friday, however there will be a set of two way traffic lights in place for two weeks, these will act as a safety zone whilst MMB reinstate land to the North & South of Mount lane.

Over on our reservoir site the team on site have been busy continuing to position the wall infills and columns within the reservoir. Roof panel deliveries will begin to arrive on site from next week. Other activities taking place currently include steel work, valve installation and commencing work on the drain down pipe. Our next concrete pour is set to be the 6th of June, but we will confirm closer to the time.

Pipelaying continues elsewhere across the project.
Work over at Eighton Banks, we are working hard to reopen the public rights of way in early June.

As always, we appreciate your ongoing support and understanding as we advance with these essential works. 

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Update by Anya Lowes

Morning, I have attached our latest Springwell Enhancements Project leaflet. This has been circulated within the last 48 hours so for those who did not receive one there is access to it here.

Springwell Enhancements Project leaflet

Kind regards


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