The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Waren Mill

Construct new underground pumping station near centre of village. Install pumped rising main to reach new treatment lagoons approx’ 250m west of Budle Bay Campsite. Lay new gravity main discharging treated flows downhill past the new pumping station to a new Outfall near to the river mouth. Reconfigure other local sewers to re-direct flows to the new Pumping Station. Abandon the existing treatment works close to the Old Mill, make safe and tarmac over.

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon All

And what a beautiful day it is as well, I really enjoyed chatting to some of you this morning.

Village Site

As you know our main constraint has been the ground conditions from the beginning of this project. The rock has proved to be extremely strong and whilst conventional methods (i.e. pecking) was always the preferred option we have needed to proceed with rock blasting. 

We have successfully crossed the river now and I’m pleased to say without blasting however, the digging of the trenches towards the river have proved to be a little more problematic. So much so we now have decided to conduct some blasting this week and these will be conducted in two areas of the village, by The Mill and at the T-junction across from the road closure. We anticipate the latter end of this week for the Mill and next week at the junction.

There maybe up to two per day between 0900hrs and 1700hrs Tuesday to Thursday and between 0900hrs and 1300hrs on Friday. The site team will conduct a door knock prior, informing you of the exact blast time during which other H&S checks are conducted. Please listen for the air horn as this will trigger the imminent blasting and should you be indoors as a precaution we request you keep away from doors and windows. After the blast and all the H&S checks have been conducted we will sound another air horn a little longer in duration this time and this gives you the all clear.

As always your health and safety is paramount to us so we would encourage you to adopt the above during the blasting procedure. We still have a little way to go with this project and we will continue to assess the ground conditions again after every blasting to determine how we continue the rock movement, I will keep you informed.

The rings and plates are now being installed within the shaft and it's encouraging to see the shaft taking shape, it's some size. I'll get some photos to post, so watch this space.

I am so pleased to say we are now working on the sea wall and it's beginning to look fantastic although working with the tide can be a little tricky. I've attached some photos taken not by me or the team but by a local resident who expressed their delight in our work. Thank You, you know who you are!!!!

Top Site

Although last weeks rain hindered the work somewhat, the team are progressing well and the surplus topsoil is being carried away to be recycled, next week you notice more vehicle activity so please be that more vigilant if you are out and about.

We are so appreciative of your patience and understanding during this time.

Thank you

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