The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Waren Mill

Construct new underground pumping station near centre of village. Install pumped rising main to reach new treatment lagoons approx’ 250m west of Budle Bay Campsite. Lay new gravity main discharging treated flows downhill past the new pumping station to a new Outfall near to the river mouth. Reconfigure other local sewers to re-direct flows to the new Pumping Station. Abandon the existing treatment works close to the Old Mill, make safe and tarmac over.

Project updates

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

It's been a while, I thought I'd let you know I will be dropping in some letters to residents Tuesday morning.

As you know, we have now successfully completed the new sewerage works in the village and this has been up and running since Autumn 2019.

We will be returning during week commencing 6 July 2020 to complete localised stabilisation of the riverbank in the vicinity of the pumping station.  We will be placing large boulders along a 22m section of the river bank, on either side of the concrete outfall and completing some outstanding reinstatement. 

It is anticipated these works will be completed within four weeks and there should not be any direct inconvenience to local residents.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.



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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

Just a quick up date.......

I am guessing you will have noticed the road closure and diversion has now been removed, Mark and his team did a great job resurfacing the road.


Thanks again for the patience and apologies for the inconvenience.


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning All,

Just thought I would show you some photos Mark has taken....


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Update by Roger Smith

Good Afternoon

As you may be aware we have been working with our partner Mott MacDonald Bentley to replace the existing sewerage treatment works at Waren Mill as the existing works, which is in front of The Mill does not meet current requirements. Although we will still have work to complete up at the new lagoons during the Autumn months, I want to let you know about the last two items of work remaining in the village which we hope to complete in September.

We have installed a new kiosk, adjacent to the old road bridge, which houses the controls and timers for the new pumping station. The new kiosk is slightly larger than the old one and in a revised position so we are intending to hide this from view as best we can by erecting a trellis near the rear and the short gable end of the kiosk (the end facing the road). To this we will add an evergreen creeper, with the aim of naturalising its appearance.

Secondly we will be resurfacing a section of the B1342 immediately south of the T- junction. This will require a closure agreement for a section of road from 15 September 2019 for five days. The latter is a statutory document, however we do NOT anticipate that this straightforward operation will require four or five days. Following completion of these two items of work our presence in the village will cease, save for the following.

During a storm a couple of months ago, part of the reinstated riverbank downstream of the Road Bridge was damaged by the torrent. We are in consultation with the relevant authorities regarding how the repairs will be carried out, which will require short term access using plant machinery, however the date for the necessary approvals remain to be confirmed.

I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during the work and if you do have any questions please telephone our Customer Contact Centre on 0345 717 1100 to speak to a member of our project team.



Roger Smith




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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

 Andy and the team have battled on and at long last, and I am pleased to announce the road closure at the "T" junction and the road diversion is expected to be removed by tomorrow evening. (Friday 12th April)

The trenching is now finished and the road resurfacing has already started, the black and yellow signs dotted around the village and off the A1 will duly be removed.

Once again please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.

Have a lovely weekend.




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Update by Joan Tatters

Afternoon Everyone,

This weeks progress report.....

  • The temporary tanks are being stalled today (4) so we can connect the system and remove the tankering element from the village.
  • The rock removal in the road is progressing really well as it's thickness is starting to reduce, it's currently two metres deep!
  • We are still progressing with the rock removal at the Mill side with the reduced noise techniques, the water levels have hindered us but the team are plodding on with 7 metres to go but it still as hard as ever.
  • The working area at the lagoons has been reinstated on the wood side and the gravity drainage is now complete apart from the lagoon connections.
  • An apron of concrete has been installed at the bottom of the field to ensure there are no agricultural issues as a result of the installation of th e rising main and gravity sewer.
  • There is reinstatement underway around the pumping station and the river bank wall so visually you should see a difference at the village.

Don't forget to get in touch if you require further information, I'd be happy to help



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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

A further update on the work:-

Village Site

The cutting out of the rock is continuing by the Mill site, we are using a specialised technique as we are firstly coring and pre-weakening with a Ripper Tine (hook) on the excavator, this a vibration and relatively low noise technique due to the wildlife and birds etc, the rock is still proving hard material but we are progressing and hopefully start removing it this week.

The drainage works in the road; the rock is still proving tough going but is coming out in larger pieces and our  current position is that we are now at the manhole where the rock is 2 metres thick this is the deepest section after which it tails off hopefully we can see the finish line.

Top Site

The lagoon site lining works are on hold till the spring when the weather allows the liner to be laid and welded with confidence, currently we are awaiting the final design for the installation of the temporaray buffer tanks, so we can install them and provide storage so as to bring an end to the tankering from the village site in the next few weeks, which is one of the project objectives.

Don't forget if you want to ask any questions please feel free, either blog or use the "Contact Us" at the top of the project page.



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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon

Just a quick up date....

The team are continuing to remove the last of the infamous rock by the T junction and next to the river bank at the village site. It's a little quiet at the top site although they are working through the easement in the field, preparing the area whilst waiting for the weather to improve.

Just to make you all aware there was an accident yesterday morning with a concrete tanker (not associated to our project I may add) on the main road so please be vigilant as I understand the tanker has turned over into the farmers field.





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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Just thought I would give our update, the last one of 2018!

Top Site

The lagoons have been a challenge and due to the ground conditions, I can now confirm the we will stall the work until the weather improves so it’s likely we will recommence the work there in the Spring.

Over the coming few days the site will begin to be cleared and closed for the Christmas holidays however we will still have 24hr CCTV and security cover during this time.

Village Site

As in the last update the covers will be placed over the pumping station before the Christmas shutdown. The guys will tidy up what was the compound area, erect fencing and once again we will have the continued security over the holidays.

Before we leave for Christmas we will also reinstate the road at the T junction as a temporary measure (as there is still some work to do there) so we can open the B1342 during the Christmas time as well as remove the road diversion, this will take place from Friday 21st December and will continue until 7th January.

BT will be conducting some work along that area from 7th January and we will follow our work on after their completion. That said you will probably notice remobilising from 3rd Jan however our works will fully commence on 7th January 2019.

It remains for me to wish all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2019.

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon Everyone,

The weather has certainly become "cooler" !!!

Lagoon Site

Once again, the weather has hampered the lagoon construction, the soil condition changes dramatically in rain, so mixed with the difficult drainage adjacent, to say the area is muddy is an understatement. I think it’s safe to say whilst all the team have battled on and the pipework at the bottom of the field nearby the campsite is now complete and has been passed for use is a HUGE milestone we may have to stall the lagoon work until the Spring.

Village Site

We have changed the way of cutting out the rock at the T junction to a “wire sawing” method as we need to adhere to the conservation requirements of no rock blasting. It’s proving to be a little slow as the weather doesn’t exactly help either.

I’m sure you will have noticed the high levels of the river I have taken a couple of photos as well of the reinstatement behind the Mill.

All the pipework at the new Pumping Station is now installed and the cover will be installed over the shaft before Xmas.

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