The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Waren Mill

Construct new underground pumping station near centre of village. Install pumped rising main to reach new treatment lagoons approx’ 250m west of Budle Bay Campsite. Lay new gravity main discharging treated flows downhill past the new pumping station to a new Outfall near to the river mouth. Reconfigure other local sewers to re-direct flows to the new Pumping Station. Abandon the existing treatment works close to the Old Mill, make safe and tarmac over.

Project updates

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Evening,

Now that the rebuild of the culvert is complete and the levels of the gravity outfall pipe have been finalised, we have continued to press on with the work at the South end of the road closure. We have progressed the pipeline up to the “Old Granary” entrance which now reduces the disruption to pedestrians trying to reach the coast. 

We are now working on the last section of the road crossing and whilst we have made significant progress, the ground conditions have continued to be problematic so we will be required to extend the traffic light operations until 31 August.  Hope you noticed there has been no rock blasting this week :

Our anticipated completion for all road work is now expected to be 28th September. 

The team have also commenced the work over the stream, have a look at some photos.

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon

I am happy to say the team have now complete another section of work along the road closure which means pedestrian access from the caravan park towards the village is open via the rear of the properties. That said just a gentle reminder, the road closure towards the tee-junction will remain in operation and I would just like to reinforce will remain closed to vehicles and pedestrians as your health and safety is paramount to us.

From tonight/early tomorrow morning the local farmer will  have access to the field adjacent to the works for harvesting.(next to Chester Dene House) We will be working further down the road to accommodate access but once complete we will resume where we left off. Again we want to remind you please do not try to enter the site unauthorised no matter what time of day, Andy and his team are happy to assist where they can and will happily accommodate pedestrian traffic around the works down by the back of the houses, via designated walkways.

Our site team are a great bunch and do a great job, they have created a great relationship with the holiday makers and residents at Waren. However, there have been some occasions of anti-social behaviour towards the team and this is unacceptable. So we ask if you should experience or witness this kind of behaviour please report it to the police as we intend to as well.

I will be up there on Wednesday again so please come along and have a chat I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Hope the weather stays kind to us!







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Update by Joan Tatters

Morning All

Just to let you know the guys will be conducting some rock blasting in the trenches this is the schedule:-

MONDAY        13/08/2018             BLASTING 11.00AM to 5.00PM

TUESDAY        14/08/2018           BLASTING 11.00AM to 5.00PM

WEDNESDAY 15/08/2018            BLASTING 11.00AM  to 5.00PM

THURSDAY     16/08/2018            BLASTING 11.00AM  to 5.00PM

FRIDAY            17/08/2018           BLASTING 11.00AM  to 1.00PM

don't forget the above doesn't necessarily mean there will be two blastings per day it means it's a possibility depending on the ground conditions. The team will drop in the letters and do the door knocks to let you know and please listen out for the air horn before and after every blast.

Thank you

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Update by Joan Tatters


Just to let you know we have a change of plan, the traffic lights unfortunately will remain need to in place for at least another two weeks, this is due to the tough ground conditions and the rock needing to be removed during the trenching operation, which must be done in a safe manner

Sorry for the delay, we will do all we can to speed things along but some things can't be hurried I'm afraid.

Thank you all again for your co-operation and understanding

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning Waren Mill

Great weather again today, a little cooler though.

My update for this week.........

The blastings in the trench are scheduled as follows, however as Andy and his team have said the rock and hard material in the pipe trench is proving to be a challenge so, the decision was made to blast rather than the continual hammering thus lessen the noise impact. (these blasts are no where near the magnitude of the previous shaft blasts).The first blasts took place yesterday and were very successful.

WEDNESDAY 8/08/2018     BLASTING 11.00AM to 5.00PM

THURSDAY 9/08/2018         BLASTING 11.00AM to 5.00PM

FRIDAY10/08/2018              BLASTING 11.00AM to 1.00PM

The team are currently reinstating the drainage trench by Budle Bay Caravan Park, this will release more road and pedestrian traffic. This is also great timing for the farmer opposite to harvest his field. 

We are on target for commencing the work over the stream towards the Mill for Monday 13th as well.

Top Site

The earthworks are in full flow on the lagoon site and we are busy constructing the embankments.


I've attached some photos of both sites........oh and a cute little squirrel Andy rescued on the back road leading to the lagoons.





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Update by Joan Tatters


Just to give our weekly update.......

The shaft rock blasting is now complete and if any future blasting is required it will be limited and in the trenched areas.

As you can see we are steadily progressing along the road closure and hope to be linking up to the opposite site in due course, again the ground conditions are proving to be difficult.

Seawall repairs are starting to take shape and we are intending to recycle the stone etc 500-600tones back into site.

We are on  target to start the river crossing on 13th August ground conditions pending and the  culvert installed has proved to be working even after the recent rain so this should alleviate previous flooding in that area. this space and I will keep you up to speed next week!

Have a great weekend.


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Update by Joan Tatters


Hope you are enjoying this lovely weather.

Just to let you know the last rock blasting in the shaft took place yesterday, it was my first experience of being in attendance whilst it happened. It was quite a military operation with all the walkie talkies, stopping the traffic and knocking on customers doors.

From my experience yesterday the traffic lights although has caused some disturbance has by default slowed down the speeding drivers through the village.Thank you again for your patience.

The site team were busy making preparations for the cutting through from the culvert end of the road closure onto the main road. This then will allow the pipe to be installed, so they are making great progress, hopefully that will be complete soon.

You may notice there is a new small cabin at the front of the land by the pumping station, it's going to be an open door facility for customers/holiday makers to come along to chat to me whilst I'm there on a Wednesday morning. Once the electricity is connected we will be "cooking on gas". So please feel free to call in.

Sadly our company notice board has fallen foul of a little vandalism, not to worry it will be sorted and replaced asap .

Hope to see you next week.



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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Here is my weekly update, sorry it's a little late, as I have been on holiday. The rock blasting has continued and here is the remainder of weeks schedule:-

Thursday 19th       Blasting again between 10am and 2pm

Friday 20th           The same.

I understand the site team were working late on Tuesday evening as a one off. Our work had to take us across the access to both residents homes and the Budle Bay Caravan Park (and we always give emergency access) so as to minimise the inconvenience and with consultation with the residents invovled the team worked to ensure the work was complete and we would like to thank you for your co-operation, it was appreciated and the offer of tea and coffee didn't go amiss I understand.

This afternoon you will receive an update letter explaining the work at the Southern end of the road closure is complete although admittedly has taken slightly longer than anticipated due to the condition of the culvert and it being blocked; this gives us the opportuntiy to start the work at the North end of the road. This in turn will cause some disruption as we will need to introduce traffic lights at the T-junction while we take the pipework over the main road. The lights will be on 24/7 from 0800hrs Monday 23rd July until 10th August.

Once again thank you for your patience and co-operation during this time.

I've added a few photos for you to see the continual work.



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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

What's happened to the weather...........lets hope it's short lived.

Just the weekly update:-

Andy and the team have changed the blasting times slightly this week and may possibily depending on their progress may increase them.

The intention is to conduct two rock blasting between 10 and 4pm daily this week, the reason is to speed up the process and minimise the long term disruption to you as the hammering/pekking should be reduced as a result.. The site team will obviously drop in the notices to you and give you a knock.

Don't forget is you want to have a chat to me I will be on site every Wednesday between 9 and 12 pop in and see me I will be happy to discuss any questions you may have about the project. (or email me or Sarah at This week you may notice a smal cabin at the front of the site, that's where I will be.

Thanks again for your patience.

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon

We are currently in the process of restarting the controlled blasting works within the shaft area on the compound and would be grateful, if you can take a look at the information below with the proposed blast times . The rock removal has been a challenge to date due to the extreme hardness value of the material which is amongst some of the hardest in U.K. Hopefully we have a way forward and it should not be long before the worst is behind us. We would also like to thank you for the  patience you have all have shown.

Wednesday 27th         1100hrs or 1400hrs

Thursday 28th             1100hrs or 1400hrs

Friday 29th                  1100hrs

Prior to the blast the site team will conduct their normal door knock to confirm the time followed by the pre-blast air horn, once the blast is complete a second air horn will sound just be aware. "Your health and safety is paramount to us"

Please don't forget any concerns or issues you have come along to see me I will be on site from 9am until 12.30 or Andy and his team will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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