The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Waren Mill

Construct new underground pumping station near centre of village. Install pumped rising main to reach new treatment lagoons approx’ 250m west of Budle Bay Campsite. Lay new gravity main discharging treated flows downhill past the new pumping station to a new Outfall near to the river mouth. Reconfigure other local sewers to re-direct flows to the new Pumping Station. Abandon the existing treatment works close to the Old Mill, make safe and tarmac over.

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Firstly I am sorry I didn't get up to see you this morning, normal service will resume next week.

Top Site

The earthwork and the lagoons are almost complete however some of the excavated material is unsuitable for recycling into the lagoons and we have had to remove it off site.

The Pumping Station

The pumping station shaft segments have all been installed and have been sealed and at long last and we are pleased to say only took 4 days to build however, substantially longer to blast.  The shaft framework is progressing and we are due to start the valve chamber construction and we intend to build above the rock level.

River crossing

The tie in works are unfortunately in rock so we are continuing to explore an alternative method to blasting to complete the works.

Drainage to the Mill area

Unfortuntately this area has been used in the past as a tip and we have uncoverd various materials. We would have normally used this material to backfill however, I'm afraid not on this occasion. For the historians..........apparently this area was an old historic dock.

Main drainage to the highway

We are still encountering rock which has stumped the experts, we are now employing an non explosive means of removal in this area. We have rock at one end and bad running sand at the other with water ingress.... such joy!

The work on the manhole and the outfall continues, once again the outfall is again in rock (no news there)

Well that's it from me today, hope to see/speak to you next week. In the meanwhile please drop me a line if you need to ask anything.

PS, more photos!

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