Update by Joan Tatters
Good Morning,
Just to let you know I won't be visiting every Wednesday due to other commitments on other projects however, I will be still blogging and keeping you up to date as much as possible. The site team will be updating the notice board as well so keep an eye on it. If you want to contact me direct my telephone number is on the front page of the project along with Roger's.
The Village Site
We are currently reinstating the paddock area by the old pumping station, it will be back to it's form glory in no time although it still needs to be reinstated as do the other grassed areas by the Mill building. The work in the shaft area is continuing with the valve chamber construction under way, the rock beneath has been cut out with a rotary cutter on the excavator to reduce noise and improve the speed.
The outfall to the river is now connected and is just awaiting two Tideflex valves to be fitted.... it's looking good.
The project has recycled a considerable amount of stone to date which has been either retrieved from the shaft works and or salvaged from the closure of the Foreshore Compound. We have and will continue to utilise the stone on the haul roads which will reduce offsite volumes and truck movements and to promoted green construction. Rock in the main road is still an issue and is getting no softer but is continuing to be remove.....we have 30 metres left to go!
We have needed to apply for a " road closure extension" and we are currently awaiting confirmation from Northumberland County Council, I will of course keep you informed once we have everything confirmed.
Top Site
The lagoons are progressing well but once again we have been hampered with the rain last weekend. In the next few weeks we will be inviting Komatsu to use one of their state of the art intelligent machines that will assist the lagoon work, it works through GPS!!
I'v attached some photos of the work, hope you enjoy them. Have a look at the huge blade we have been using!!!
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