The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Wolsingham Sewage Treatment Works Refurbishment

Together with our supply partner Interserve we plan to carry out essential work at the Wolsingham Sewage Treatment Works in Weardale. This is a £6m investment that will see the site’s capacity increased in line with population growth in the area and help to maintain the highest possible standards of environmental protection. All of the work will be carried out within the existing site although there will be some widening of the entrance which will involve traffic control in the A689. Typical working hours will be Monday to Friday, between 8am and 6pm. We would really like to hear from you if you have any queries so please get in touch using the ‘Contact us’ button at the top of the page or leave a comment below. – Brian Ford NWL Project Manager.

Project updates

Update by Steven Cruse

Good afternoon everyone,

Tilbury Douglas are pleased to announce that we have made great progress with the works and look to be complete and off site by the end of April.

This would mean we have finished some 4 months ahead of programme.


Kind regards



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Update by Steven Cruse

Good afternoon everyone,


I hope this update finds you well.

just a quick note to let everyone know that the works are now on line and are taking the flows from Wolsingham and Thornley.

due to our construction techniques we have managed this over 4 months ahead of the original programme and we expect to leave site at the begining of April instead of August as first thought.


kind regards


Steven Cruse

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Update by Steven Cruse

Good afternoon everyone,


I hope this update finds you well in this difficult time.

A quick note to say works are progressing very well and we hope to complete some 4 months ahead of programme.

The vast amount of the construction work will be complete by the end of October leaving the only the electrical installation and bring the new works on line left to be completed along with repurposing of the some of the exisitng structures


Many Thanks


Steven Cruse

ICL project manager

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Update by Steven Cruse

Good morning everyone.


I hope you're all enjoying the weather in these difficult times.

Just a quick update about the scheme, the works are progressing very well and we are currently on programme despite the ongoing difficulties regarding COVID 19.

I'm pleased to say that with the measures we have in place we have not been effected by the pandemic and all of the workforce on the project are safe and well.


Many thanks and stay safe


Steven Cruse

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Update by Steven Cruse

Hi Everyone,


we've now been onsite for almost 4 months now and work is progressing very well despite the issues we all face with COVID 19.

we've managed to reinvent our work practices to maintain social distancing and keep things going onsite.

Every person working on the site gets there temperature taken before they start works every day and we have sanitiser throughout the site


Anyone with any questions please drop me a line


Kind regards


Steven Cruse

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Update by Brian Ford

Hi Everyone

We have now finished the works widening the site entrance on the A689 opposite Bradley Burn Farm Shop and all traffic management has been removed.  Thanks for your patience during these works.

The main works on the treatment works have started and we are currently setting up the site compound which will be home to Interserve for the next year.

We are carrying out these essential works to give the sewage treatment works more resilience. 

We will of course follow UK Government guidance regarding COVID-19 as it stands currently.  We are committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of our employees and our customers and the site teams are adhering to the social distancing guidance and we ask that during this difficult time that you also maintain a social distance from our staff should you come into contact with them.

Don't forget should you wish to ask any questions please feel free to drop me a line.

Please stay safe.

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Update by Brian Hall

Hello everyone

In preparation for work on site we will be widening the site entrance on the A689 opposite Bradley Burn Farm Shop. Traffic control lights will be in place for two weeks commencing Tuesday 14th April for around 2 weeks. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause


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