Update by Brian Ford
Hi Everyone
We have now finished the works widening the site entrance on the A689 opposite Bradley Burn Farm Shop and all traffic management has been removed. Thanks for your patience during these works.
The main works on the treatment works have started and we are currently setting up the site compound which will be home to Interserve for the next year.
We are carrying out these essential works to give the sewage treatment works more resilience.
We will of course follow UK Government guidance regarding COVID-19 as it stands currently. We are committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of our employees and our customers and the site teams are adhering to the social distancing guidance and we ask that during this difficult time that you also maintain a social distance from our staff should you come into contact with them.
Don't forget should you wish to ask any questions please feel free to drop me a line.
Please stay safe.
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