The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Wooler Wastewater Treatment Works

Install chemical dosing to improve treatment of flows and, in particular, to control the level of phosphorus discharges to Wooler Water, to the satisfaction of the Environment Agency. Construct two new radial Primary Settlement Tanks and ancillary equipment to improve separation of solids for removal by road tanker. Improvements to screening at inlet chambers, plus mid-pipeline pumping station and emergency generator to safeguard the Works in the event of a local power failure. Refurbishment of welfare building.

Update by Joan Tatters


Yesterday I was out and about in the village dropping in letters explaining  the deliveries we are expecting next week.

Week commencing 7th October we will be taking delivery of two large pre-fabricated cabins which house the dosing equipment essential to controlling the level of discharges to the river. Since these contain important (and sometimes delicate) devices, they need to be in a weatherproof structure.

On Monday 7th we will be preparing the site to accept delivery of the cabins and as they are of considerable size the vehicles delivering them will require enhanced space. This means we will need to reconfigure the existing fence and gate arrangement to both the vehicular and pedestrian entrances (which are actively used by walkers) and slightly prune back any overhanging branches.

Tuesday 8th, they are planned to arrive morning and lunchtime respectively and with that in mind we graciously request customers not to park any vehicles at the entrance of the site for safety reasons during this time. Later that day the team will reinstate the fence and gates to the public walkway, ensuring all is back to normal as quickly as possible.

Your health and safety are paramount to us and if you are out and about during this time please be that little more vigilant.

Thank you for your co-operation and patience during our work we really do appreciate it.

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