The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Wooler Wastewater Treatment Works

Install chemical dosing to improve treatment of flows and, in particular, to control the level of phosphorus discharges to Wooler Water, to the satisfaction of the Environment Agency. Construct two new radial Primary Settlement Tanks and ancillary equipment to improve separation of solids for removal by road tanker. Improvements to screening at inlet chambers, plus mid-pipeline pumping station and emergency generator to safeguard the Works in the event of a local power failure. Refurbishment of welfare building.

Project updates

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Following on from Roger's blog, I thought it prudent to introduce the Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) team who will be working on behalf of Northumbrian Water on this project.

Gary Theakston          -         Site Manager, he will be managing the day to day operations

Callum Godfrey           -         Apprentice Site Engineer, who will be assisting Gary.

John Goose                 -        Contract Manager, who will oversee the project from MMB's perspective

Joan Tatters                -         Customer Liaison Officer, who will be writing, talking and answering any questions you have about the project.

As Roger states, we will be starting the work Monday morning and our working day will be from 07.30hrs to 17.30hrs approximately, we don't have any plans to work weekends. To be honest you may not see much of us as the work is within the grounds of the works, about half a mile from the entrance gates. Speaking of which we plan to move the gates back and temporarily remove the cattle grid. This is to ensure we and other contractors enter and exit safely without disruption to other road users and residents. For those of you who walk  your four legged friends or otherwise, that access gate will remain open.

Gary and I dropped in some letters to residents last week explaining our work, so should you see us, it won't be too much of a surprise. It was lovely chatting to you and we would like to thank you in advance of your co-ooperation.

Don't forget ask away if you have any questions

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Update by Roger Smith

Good Afternoon,

I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce my self, I am Roger Smith, Project Manager for Northumbrian Water and I will be looking after this project throughout it's life.

Designs are sufficiently progressed for us to make a start within the main Works on Monday 8 April 2019.

You may notice a degree of increased activity, with more vehicles using the main gate, this has been a Minor Works Contract for refurbishment of the existing welfare building, which will be finished in a weeks time. Two reasons for the latter; firstly to provide up-to-date facilities for our maintenance teams during their regular visits, and secondly to reduce the number of portable cabins required by our Contractor during the coming months

This not only keeps the cost down, it also reduces the number of HGV movements, and results in fewer CO2 emissions.

Early works on the main Contract will include topsoil scrape and storage, bringing in granular material for site access roads, lifting the (smaller number of) cabins into position, and forming a temporary parking area. All within the existing fence line.

We have few , if any, demolitions to carry out. So the loudest noise you’re likely to hear should be a wagon coming in-and-out of the entrance !!

If you have any questions about the project please do not hesitate to contact me either using the portal or using the "contact us" button at the top of the project page.

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