The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Albert Hill

Together with our supply partner, ESH-MWH, we have undertaken a detailed study of the sewer network to establish the cause of historical pollutions to the rear of Albert Hill Industrial Estate.

Project updates

Update by Christine Taylor

Hi everyone

As we start work on site on the 5th December 2016, I thought this would be a great time to introduce our project team.

My name is Christine Taylor, the Customer Service Manager and will oversee the community engagement. I will ensure a high level of customer service and community engagement.  Myself and Ian Cunliffe visited site last week and spoke to some of the nearby residents and will be on site on a regular basis.  Please feel free to stop me for a chat or just simply to feedback on the work we are doing. 

Our Project Manger from Northumbrian Water is Ian Cunliffe, he visited site with me last week meeting some of the local residents.  Ian is always happy to speak to customers. We did take some photos of the site which are attached however, Ian is a little camera shy, so a photo will be added later. 

The gentleman who will be looking after this site on the ground and ensuring the works is completed within timescale, whilst looking after all our and your Health and Safety is Steve Bennison, ESH-MWH Project Manager.  Steve has managed various sites in the last 12 months and loves to use the portal to update our customers on our progress.  He is also a very nice man, so feel free to stop and ask him any questions.

My colleague Tony Birkett is the Community Liaison Officer working for ESH-MWH.  He may also be on site knocking on doors and ensuring our customers are happy. 


As a team we want to ensure all our cusotmers are happy, we will keep the portal updated and keep in touch by speaking to you all face to face.  Please feel free to comment and introduce yourselves, or just to let us know anything about the area.

See you on the 5th



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