Allendale Wastewater Treatment Works upgrade

Starting in March 2024, we will be carrying out works at our sewage treatment works (STW) in Allendale. This work is essential and part of a £4.4 million investment project. It will ensure the STW continues to meet the needs of a growing population and that we continue to deliver a reliable and resilient wastewater service for our customers.

Project updates

Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon All,

where has our summer gone!!!

Its been a few weeks since I posted a portal update on the progress of the works that are being carried out on Allendale treatment works, so I thought I would let you know how we are getting on.

We have now poured the infill base along with the wall and the precast inlet works have been installed, this is where the new inlet screen which removes grit and solids before flows pass through the RBC, a RBC is a rotating biological contactor which is a fixed-film treatment process used in the secondary treatment of wastewater following primary treatment. You may have also seen a very large crane being delivered last week this was used to lift into position the new pre cast inlet works. We have also poured the concrete surround for the SPEL tank which is a large tank for the storage of the sewerage. We are making good progress with very little disruption so things are looking good.

I would like to thank you for all for your continued co-operation and patience while the works progress. If you have any issues or questions please leave a comment below or use the details provided to contact us and we will be happy to help.

thank you



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Update by Julie Oakley

Good morning, All,

I hope you are all enjoying this lovely weather, 

I thought I would just let you know in advance that from 8am Tuesday 20th August 2024 we are expecting a delivery of a 200T crane, 76T Counterweight along with 2 deliveries of 20T precast concrete sections, this is 3 meters wide, and we will need plenty of room to manoeuvre. As you are aware the entrance to the site is very limited. Due to this issue could you please refrain from parking at the entrance of the access road to site during this period.

We would like to thank you for your patience and your continued support while the works are progressing.

If you would ike to get in touch with any questions or queries that you may have please feel free to contact us on the details provided or leave a comment below and one of the team will get back to you.



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Update by Julie Oakley

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all well??

Here is an update on the progress of the works carried out on treatment plant over the past month, we have sucessfully poured the base for the Rotating Biological Contractor 1 (RBC) We have also had the installation of Motor Control Centre (MCC) & Northern Power Grid (NPG) Kiosks and they are now up and running. As you can imagine because of the weather we are currently having, we have had a few issues with groundwater in all the excavations but we have now got overpumping put in place for anything deeper than 2m and we have came accross a few boulders which have caused issues and delays with the SPEL tank, but nothing we cannot overcome.

We would like to thank you all again for your continued co-operation and patience as I know the extra traffic can be a bit of an issue while entering site but hopefully we are not causing to much disruption, in the meantime if you have any questions or issues please leave a comment below or use the contact details provided

Thank you



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Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon all,

just a quick update just to let you all know

From Monday 15th July 2024 we would like to advise we are expecting delivery of a very large crane and other large vehicles that will need access to site during this period. As you are aware the entrance to the site is very limited. Due to this issue could you please refrain from parking at the entrance of the access road to down site during this period.

We would like to thank you for your patience and your continued support while the works are progressing.

If you have any questions or enquiries please do not hestiate in contacting us or leave a comment below.

Thank You





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Update by Julie Oakley

Hi all,

Just a quick note to make you aware for W/C 8th July there will be Increased traffic in and out of site, we apologise in advance for any disruption or inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your continued patience and co-operation while the works progress.

 Also relating to a recent comment from a customer on the previous update, I have attached a plan of the treatment works once it has been completed.

If you have any questions or enquiries please do not hestiate in contacting us or leave a comment below.





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Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon,

I hope we are not causing too much disruption to the village, I thought I would touch base and provide you with an update with the progress on site,

The site is now fully functional with the MCC and NPG kiosks installed, the excavation and sheet piling for RBC 1 complete and we are ready for base slab pour, we have received the delivery of the SPEL tanks, with the Storm returns pump slab complete.

Works upcoming in next month:

We are to Install RBC 1 (Tuke and Bell mobilising 5th July),  the SPEL tank installation and we will Commence with RBC 2 and 3 excavation.

We would liike to thank you for your continued patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns please leave a comment below or use the details provided to contact us and a member of the team will get back to you.

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Update by Julie Oakley

Good morning,


I hope you are all looking forward to the bank holiday weekend and enjoying this gorgeous weather, I thought I would touch base with an update on the progress of the works in your area

the works are progressing well and the site is all set up with the cabins in place, good news is we have scaffolded out the MCC and made safe the access, pulled back the spoil heap from the site boundary, we have stoned and blinded the inlet excavation, dug and poured the storm pumping station base and the ducts and chambers from the MCC to NPG are now in place, we are expecting the MCC delivery which is fairly large to be delivered on the 3rd June.


I hope we are not causing too much disruption and we thank you for your patience, if you have any questions or concerns please leave a comment below or use the details provided to contact us and a member of the team will get back to you.


thanks again



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Update by Julie Oakley

Good Afternoon,

We are Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) and are proud to acknowledge we are currently one of Northumbrian Water's frame work partners, our team have a wealth of experience in the construction and design field and we all have worked on behalf of Northumbrian Water for a number of years.

Meet the Team:

Ben Corner    -     MMB Contract Manager who will be overseeing the team and the project

Callum Abbs   -     Site Agent who will be looking after the day to day operations 

Peter Lewis    -     Site Engineer who will work along side Callum 

Julie Oakley   -    Customer Liaison Office (Me) who will be engaging with you all and keeping you up to speed on the project progress

It's likely you will see us quite often so have a look at our photos then you can put names to faces.

Our work has already commenced as you may have seen and it will take the team approximately 4-5 weeks setting up the site. During this time traffic management may be introduced for health and safety reasons. There will admittedly be some inconvenience during this time however we will do our best to keep it to a minimum. We have arranged for a customer event to take place on Thursday 28th March between 1 - 4pm in the Village hall, there will people at hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have and the impact it will have on the community while the works are in progress.

Refreshments will be provided so pop along for a coffee and a chat.

Please feel free to ask us any questions about the project through the portal or contact us direct on the contact details provided.


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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good Morning,

I just wanted to let you know about some planned vegetation clearance work due to be carried out on Monday 29th January along the access road to the Sewage Treatment Works (STW). The work will involve trimming back over hanging branches to allow safe, and easier access to site. 

We will then return at a later date to carry out some additional works adjacent to the STW.

You will shortly receive a letter with more information on our construction work which is due to commence in March 2024. Once the work has started, regular updates will be posted on here. 

If you have any questions, you can leave a comment below and a member of the project team will get back to you.

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Update by Gabrielle Ward

Good morning,

I hope you are all well?

I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and some of the Project Team. My name is Gaby Ward, I am the Customer Liaison Officer for Mott MacDonald Bentley working alongside Mat Simmonds, Northumbrian Water's Project Manager and Nick Warner, Northumbrian Water's Customer Care Manager. We will be conducting the engagement with our customers and posting regular updates on here. 

You will have received a letter in the post recently letting you know about our upcoming work to upgrade Allendale Sewage Treatment Works. Although construction work isn't due to commence until early 2024, we wanted to let you know about some investigation works that are due to take place this week. Our subcontractor, 360, will be carrying out the work within the Sewage Treatment works and along the access track on Wednesday 27th September. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below and a member of the project team will get back to you.

Speak soon!


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