Update by Joan Tatters
Good Afternoon
Just following on from Colin's previous posts I thought I'd introduce our Mott MacDonald Bentley (MMB) team who are conducting the work at the reed beds on behalf of Northumbrian Water. We have worked with Northumbrian Water for numerous years and are currently a framework partner and are delighted to be involved in this project along with the Coal Authority.
Let me introduce the team:-
Lee Cox - Contract Manager (he oversees the operations)
Mark McAlinden - Site Manager (he manages the day to day works)
Duncan Hodgson - Site Foreman (he will lead the team on the ground)
Joan Tatters - Customer Liaison Office (I deal with customer interaction and support)
We will have contractors on site too who we will supervise during the work.
I know Mark, his team and I are only too happy to answer any questions you may have about the project so please feel free and ask away.
I am sure those of you who walk/ramble or cycle along the bridle path will have noticed our work and the gated areas, please take care along there and wait for the access from our site team.
Have a good day.
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