The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Cotherstone Repair, Barnard Castle

We will be investing £800,000 in our strategic trunk mains network. The planned works are made up of the refurbishment of a pipe bridge and the repair of one of our large diameter raw water pipes.

Project updates

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

Just another quick update as to where we are:-

Now that the scaffolding has been removed from the bridge you may be wondering how long we have to go on what has been an extensive refurbishment scheme for Cotherstone Pipe Bridge. Work is nearing completion and the next stage is to landscape on both sides of the river. Hope you will agree now the scaffold has been removed the refurbished bridge is looking great. The access road in the north field needs to remain in place for a little while longer to enable us to complete the landscaping works.  Upon completion of the landscaping works we will be in a position to remove the temporary access road which is the final part of the works.

Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we have been working in your village for quite considerable time.

Don't forget if you want to ask us any questions please feel free!!

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon

It's been a little while since my last up date as we wanted to give you a full update of how the project was progressing. I guess we have been on site a lot longer than anticipated however at the turn of the year we will have some definiative dates for completion where we can inform you all of all the work we have achieved both on the pipe bridge and within the village! Yes you are right we have been doing some work at the school.

All will be revealed in January so "watch this space"

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy 2019.

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Update by Kevin McGargle

Good afternoon, just to further gary's update recently in that the works are now nearing completion, planned works in the forthcoming week are to restore the currently out of use Clean & RAW water mains back live, this will enable ourselves to then remove the bridge scaffolding and reinstate the land to what its previous use was.

Kind Regards

Kevin McGargle - Site Manager

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Update by Gary Cassells

Good Morning All,

 The project is almost into it's final stages and we are really happy with the way the bridge is turning out, it almost looks brand new have a look at the photos.

We have also been doing some work for the school I'm sure Joan/Sarah will keep you up to speed with that in due course.


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Update by Gary Cassells

The metalwork painting is nearing completion and the bridge is looking almost brand new in its original colour.



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Afternoon All,

I just wanted to give you all a quick update on site. As you can see from the pictures the bridge works are well underway and a vast amount of the repair bridge works have been complete. All metal work repairs should be complete over the next 2 weeks which then will allow to upgrade the water pipes.

Also called into Cotherstone Primary School where we got to look around the grounds. Take a look at the bottle green house picture! I was extremly impressed with this one! 

Once again MMB and Northumbrian water would like to thank you for your patience during the time sclae of the project.

Enjoy the Easter Bank holiday weekend 


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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Hello, just thought I would introduce myself. My name is Sarah Jayne Vickers and I’m working alongside Joan Tatters as a Customer Liaison Coordinator.

I Joined J N Bentley a little over 2 weeks ago and now starting to play a more active role. If you see me out and about be sure to come and say hi!

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning All,

Just to let you know the repair work to the bridge has already started, Terry tells me it will take approximately 8 weeks to complete. (The bridge is clearly "poorly") After all the metal work is complete the painting can commence, after which the pipe work will follow.  I will keep you informed as we progress along, so please keep an eye out for my posts.

No other work can be conducted while this work is happening, so please be assured there has been and will not be any disruption to your water supply or it's pressure during this time.

Don't forget if you want to ask us any questions about the work please just drop me a line or if you see Terry or any of his team please feel free to ask them.


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning Everyone,

Thought I would just touch base with you all before the big fella comes on Monday!!!!

The work has been progressing really well, all the old paint has been removed from the bridge so the structure can be fully inspected by our Structual Engineer. Once the inspection has taken place we can then commence the repairs and the painting. The bridge has been there many years so hopefully this work will help maintain it for even more years to come. Thank you all again for your co-operation and understanding during our work this year, we really do appreciate it.

It remains for me to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas a peaceful 2018.


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Just a few of photos from Friday, sorry I couldn't be there personally, it looks as though it went down a storm. I think the tree looks great  and I'm so sorry I missed the mince pies and mulled wine.

So pleased you had a great time!


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