Good afternoon everyone,
Easter is upon us and the WINEP Cullercoats project is nearing completion. We have confirmed that no Northumbrian Water asset local to Cullercoats beach is contributing to the deterioration of bathing water, but the effect is ground water contamination from unknown source(s). Nevertheless one source of contamination we do know about, is the effect of an old underground culvert that still has fluid within it. This was a culvert that was capped off circa 10 years that did have a small flow in it. Many people in Cullercoats might remember that a flow did get onto the beach at the cliff above the Dove Marine laboratory, which was emanating from this old underground culvert.
Northumbrian Water has secured the funding in our Capital Plan and will divert the culvert flow into our sewerage network, locally to John Street this year.
The geology of Cullercoats is complex and a further study is being discussed to understand pathways in the geology beneath and inland from Cullercoats beach, to see if further sources of contamination can be contributing to the bathing water quality. When we confirm funding, a specialist hydrogeologist will be employed to develop models of potential pathways within the rock strata. Tracer surveys might be required to determine pathways that could lie deep within rock strata and potentially presenting itself in the harbour sea water.
The WINEP Cullercoats project that Northumbrian Water has fundamentally completed, the output was essentially to determine if any Northumbrian Water local assets were a contributing factor to bathing water. That has been all but completed but will need final sign off from the Environment Agency. Northumbrian Water will endeavour to still work with local residents, the Environment Agency and North Tyneside Council, to further investigate this ground water contamination issue. As mentioned Northumbrian Water will divert that old culvert flow this year and once established further funding employ a specialist hydrogeologist to develop potential pathway models beneath and inland within rock strata at Cullercoats.
Northumbrian Water wishes to thank everyone who has helped and contributed to the investigations so far. Local knowledge from residents, recent and long established in the community, who have shared information has been invaluable.
Posted in the Planned Work tab, you can download a pdf of our Cullercoats Customer Information Leaflet, which will inform you further on the status of the project.
I’ll keep you posted on the culvert diversion as we get closer to starting.
Have a happy and safe Easter everyone.
Graeme Ridley
(Northumbrian Water – Project Manager)
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