Felton Wastewater Treatment Works upgrade

Starting in March 2024, we will be carrying out works at our sewage treatment works (STW) in Felton. This work is essential and part of a £5million investment project. It will ensure the STW continues to meet the needs of a growing population and that we continue to deliver a reliable and resilient wastewater service for our customers.

Project updates

Update by Julie Oakley

Good morning, Everyone,

hope you are all looking forward to the lighter nights and warmer weather.

I thought it was that time of the month to provide you with an update on the progress we have made here on Felton treatment works. We have now installed the second new screen for the inlet works, we are also progressing with the installation of the pumps and pipework for the Humus settlement tank (HST) desludge slab which is the secondary treatment process and the new penstocks have been completed successfully, along with the flowmeter and pipework which controls the water flow.

I would like to thank you all for your continued patience while the works continue but if you have any issues or queries please leave a comment below or use the details provided to contact us and one of the team will be happy to help.



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Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon Everyone,

I hope you all  have had a lovely Christmas and are ready for 2025.

I would like to provide you all with an update on the progress we have made here on Felton treatment works, this will be the first one of the New Year. We continue with the upgrading on site and even though the weather has not been great, we are still on track. We are continuing with the pipework connections to the Primary Settlement Tank (PST3) which is part of the treatment process, along with improvements to the inlet works, which involve the removal of the old inlet screen in the southern channel this is used to remove the solids from the effluent, the penstocks have been replaced these are gates which we use to control the flow of water and some concrete modifications have been made to prepare for the new screens to be installed. We have also shuttered and poured the new pump desludge slab which is a concrete base ready for the pump/pipework to be installed for the Humus settlement tank (HST)  which is the secondary process of the water treatment, along with the upgrading of the electrics by replacing with new cables.

Once again I would like to thank you all for your continued support and patience while the works continue, but in the meantime if you have any questions or queries please leave a message below or use the contact details provided and one to the team will be happy to help.

thank you







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Update by Julie Oakley

Good morning All,

I hope you are all looking forward to Christmas.

Just before we break up for the Christmas holidays we thought we would give you an update on the progress we have made on the treatment works at Felton, we continue to work on the 3rd primary settlement tank, installing drain down pipework and manholes in the area. We have also poured the base slab and kicker for the extension to the distribution chamber feeding all of the tanks. We continue to work on the installation of ducting and drawpits around the Inlet Works area. Following recent deliveries of pipework, we have commenced works on the new humus tank desludge system.

We once again thank  you all for your continued support and patience, if you have any issues or question please feel free to leave a comment below or use the details provided to contact us and one of the team will be happy to help. If you require any assistance over the Christmas break please use the following contact number 0345 717 1100.



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Update by Julie Oakley

Good morning, everyone

As the darker mornings and nights settle in its time for another update on the progress at the Felton treatment works.

This month we've seen steady advancements on-site, The primary settlement tank has succesffully passed water testing and is now being backfilled. This new tank will work along side the two existing tanks to remove larger solids and settleable organic matter from sewage at the initial stage of the wastewater treatment. Additionally, pipework to the HST's (Humus Settlement Tanks) has been upsized to allow greater flow through the works. We've also dug trial holes to provide our design team with valuable data for further planning in order to upgrade the works. Our electrician's have also started on site to undertake a full electrical refurbishment of the works.

I want to extend my gratitude for your support and patience as we make improvements. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a message below or reach out using the contact details provided, and one of our team members will be happy to assist.

Thank You


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Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon all,

Can you believe its October

I thought I would give you an update on how we are getting on with the upgrade of the treatment works here at Felton

We are pleased to report significant progress on site. We have completed the final concrete pour on the tank walls of the Primary settlement tank (PST) and we are finalizing the structural elements of the new tank. The storm overflow line which is an outlet from the public sewer has also been completed, with just a few finishing touches remaining, including the installation of an Overflow Monitoring Device (OMD) and its concrete surround, this provides a robust and consistent way of monitoring how often and for how long storm overflows are used. The new Motor Control Centre (MCC) has been installed by our subcontractor, Blackburn Starling, and we are now ready to begin the electrical work.

We’ll continue to keep you updated as the project moves forward. Thank you for your continued support and patience!

If you have any questions or issues please leave a comment below or use the details provided to contact us and one of the team will get back to you.

Thanks again


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Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon, All,

I hope you are all enjoying the summer break,

Its been a few weeks since I have published on the portal so I thought I would give you an update on the progress we have made onsite, the Primary Settlement Tank (PST) concrete pours have been undertaken to the hopper which is a type of funnel at the bottom of the centre of the tank and a foundation for the precast concrete wall units. A Primary Settlement Tank (PST) is a crucial component in the wastewater treatment process, the tank is designed to remove suspended solids, organic matter, and other particulates from wastewater before it undergoes further treatment. We have also started the installation of the new duct network which is continuing and modifications are being undertaken to the existing garage for new Motor Control Centre (MCC) installation.

I would like to thank you all for your continued support and patience while the works are carried out, if you have any queries or questions please leave a message below or contact us using the details provided and one of the team will get back to you.





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Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon everyone,

hope you are all enjoying the great british weather, hope its not spoiling everyones plans too much.

I thought I would provide you with an update on the progress of the upgrade to the treatment works in Felton, dispite the weather we have made good progress with the Primary Settlement tank 3 (PST) cone base slab blinding being poured and ready for reinforcement, the groundwater has not been as much of a problem as anticipated. We are making good progress with the duct work and it is ongoing at a good rate. Northern Power Grid (NPG) have succesfully changed the incoming transformer with no issues to the temporary power generation during shut down and the site team are continuing to perform well.

We would like to thank you for all your continued support, co-operation and patience while the works are on going. If you have any queries or questions about the project please feel free to leave a comment below or use the contact details provided.

Thanks again



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Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon everyone,

hope you are all doing ok and we are not causing you too much disruption, I thought I would give you a quick update on the progress of the treatment works onsite 

The temporary compound is now complete, and security fully in place along with CCTV cameras. Stock fencing has been installed to totally segregate compound from cattle grazing in the adjacent field. The Construction works have begun within the treatment works with the Cofferdam for the new Permanent settlement tank which is underway and the electrical diversions are now complete.

We are continually directing all construction traffic around Felton Village and we hope that this is noticeable and no one has been inconvenienced.

We would liike to thank you for your continued patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns please leave a comment below or use the details provided to contact us and a member of the team will get back to you


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Update by Julie Oakley

Good afternoon,

I'd just like to start this update by introducing myself! My name is Julie Oakley, I am a Customer Liaison Officer for MMB and I will be taking over from Gaby and will be conducting the engagement with our customers and posting regular updates going forward!

The site is starting to develope with various equipment being delivered over the coming weeks and works have began. I would like to introduce the team

Paul Coates - Site Agent - JNB

Matthew Reeves - Site Engineer - JNB

Julie Oakley - Customer Liaison Officer - JNB

If you have any issues or concerns please free to catch one of the site team or leave a comment below

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Update by Julie Oakley

Hi everyone,

just would like to give you a quick update on the works here at Felton, 

Next week commencing Tuesday 07th May we will be installing the cabins. It will be a very busy week on the top road with 8 cabins, separate loads a toilet block and large generator.

In total 10 Ariculated lorrys over 3 days, so please do not be alarmed at the amount of unsual traffic this is just until we have the site up and running.

in the meantime if you have enquiries please feel free to leave a coment below or on the contact details provided

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