The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Marden Quarry

We are investing £2.5 million to separate Marden Quarry and other sources of surface water from the public sewer network. This will improve the performance of our sewer network and help reduce the risk of flooding. This project is the second and final phase of work being carried out in North Cullercoats.

Update by Christine Taylor

Hi all, 

I have been to site today and seen how busy the site team have been over the last few weeks.

As you can see there two way lights in place at the junction of Burnside Road and The Broadway, these will be in place for the next two weeks for the remainder of the work.  Steve Boyd will update the portal with the removal date next week.

The fencing around the shaft has been removed and cleared away.  Steve and Paul have informed me that the landscaping of this area is planned for next week, which includes the grass seed.  We know this area had many, many daffodils planted and we will be looking to replace these later this year.  We understand some customers would like to be involved in this, please contact me direct if you would also like to be included at or by simply commenting on this portal.

Can I take this opportunity to wish all our friends at Cullercoats Primary School a happy holiday. 

Have a nice weekend



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