Ovingham Eel Screens

This project is to provide environmentally friendly fish exclusion screens at the raw water pumping station at Ovingham. These screens are necessary to protect the European Eel and other fish species that are present in the River Tyne. Work will commence April 2023 and anticipated to be complete March 2025

Project updates

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning All,

The team are really moving things on, as you will have seen the pile drilling continues however we are very mindful of its duration for both the community and the H&S of the team.

Here are some of Jason's photos so you can understand the scale of this operation.

In the coming weeks there will be some information boards displayed for further details on this project I will send you snap shot.

Please get in touch if you want to ask any questions, we would be happy to answer them.

Again thank you all for your co-operation on this project.






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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Here is this weeks update.

Jason and the team making steady progress, the drilling of pile No1 started on Monday and we are only doing this at 2hrly intervals. Pile No 2 commenced later in the week. It's essential these piles are in the correct placings so their locations are monitored very closely ensuring meticulous positioning into the ground with in the river. During this also, we are conscious to ensure the condition of the water isn't compromised so it too is continually monitored,  it's flow, quality at all times of the day during the work. It's a tricky process as the factors of the wind, temporature, air pressure and rain needs to be considered.

We also have included accoustic barriers throughout the area within the compound we feel is the noisier (the green screens in the photos) to try encompass the noise impact.

Here is a little montage of photos for your perusal.


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Just a brief update of where we are:-

The introduction of our new subtractor continues and has moved on and they have now installed no.1 piling gate, next week they will hopefully complete 2& 3 so please expect an increase in noise should you be nearby.

I'd also like to mention if you are a walking by the Pumping Station please try to stay on the opposite side of the site, we have taken a lot of the "free" area up for our works and it has limited the grassed area for walking on the riverside. We just don't want you get hurt.

Thanks again for your support

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning,

Here is this weeks news from site.

We have a new contractor joining us on site....... SOUTHBAY, they are a multi award winning civil engineering company who specialise in this type of work. Southbay Civil Engineering Ltd specialise in civil engineering construction and design and build contracts in a marine environment so working up here at Ovingham will be a challenge but something they are used to doing.

Jason and the team will be ensuring both teams keep the project ticking over. The traffic lights have temporarily been removed now however will be intermittantly installed when deliveries take place so please be a little more vigilant in the coming weeks.

Please note the new QR code on our newly erected banners, which will direct you straight to the community portal should you wish to ask us any questions.


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon

I was on site this morning and thought I'd share some of the photos from the seemed extremely strange having a crane deliver a crane!!!!

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Hope you are enjoying this great is a little montage of photos from Jason's team, what a difference good weather makes!

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning

Hope you are enjoying this great weather.

I thought I'd share this lovely note Carol took the time to write to the team after hitting a pothole in her car a little further down from our site, that resulted in a flat tyre. She was worried due to the fact she worked as a care worker and needed to get to her 102 year old client in Ovingham on time as they needed assistance daily. A member of team took her down to her client at Ovingham and returned to pick her up to bring her back to her car once she was finished. Whilst she was gone the lads changed her tyre with the spare and ensured she could get on with her day once she was finished.

Goes to show not all heros wear capes!!!!






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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

I'm guessing you will have noticed some activity along by the pumping station, here is an update from our Tina at Northumbrian Water on what's happening:-

"I’m writing to update you on the next phase of our on-going work at Ovingham Pumping Station near your home.

We’re now beginning the project to install eel screens at the pumping station. You might be aware that European Eel stocks are very low and continue to decline. The work we are doing is part of a recovery plan that aims to return the eel stocks to sustainable levels, with the screens enabling safer journeys upstream for eels and migratory fish. The eel screens will not only provide security of water supply for the future but will also enable Northumbrian Water to achieve compliance with the Eels (England and Wales) Regulations 2009.

This is a major construction scheme and will involve the use of a very large crane on the site and you will notice increased activity and noise around the station. The hours of work will be Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 6:00pm.  We expect the piling phase of works to be complete by February 2024, with the installation of the eel screens and supporting work to take until the end of December 2024.

However, we anticipate the work will become less noticeable as we move out of 2023 with work largely taking place within the site structure in 2024.

We’re expecting the crane to be delivered to site May 2023.  The crane will be delivered in sections and overall, there may be up to 20 separate deliveries over a two-week period.  These deliveries will be brought to site through the village of Wylam.

I would like to thank you again for the patience you have shown while we have been working near your home and if you require any further information, please telephone our customer contact centre on 03457 171100 to arrange a call back from the Project Team.

,Yours sincerely


Tina Robinson, NWL Project Manager

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning 

You will have noticed some activity by the pumping station recently, the team are setting up the compound and site for the forthcoming works. I hope our presence won't be too intrusive while Jason and his team make head way. 

I thought I'd share some photos:-

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon Everyone

Just thought I'd bring you up to date with the developments by the Pumping Station.  

You will notice some increased activity towards the end of this month as we install one of the pumps at the station.

In March we will be starting another phase of the project which will involve some important work to install eel screens at the pumping station. The eel screens will not only provide security of water supply for the future but will also enable Northumbrian Water to achieve compliance with the Eels (England and Wales) Regulations 2009.

The Eels Regulations were introduced to protect eels as European eel stocks are low and continue to decline. The recovery plan aims to return the eel stocks to sustainable levels.

We expect this essential work to be completed by the end of next year.

If you want to ask me any questions about the project please feel free.

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