The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Pelaw Wood

We are working with our supply partner Mott Macdonald Bentley to carry out £500,000 of investment work. This work will involve replacing the sewer within the woodland and extending the culverted watercourse providing stability to the banks of pelaw wood beck.

Project updates

Update by Joan Tatters


Just a quick line to let you know we have now finished replaceing the gullies along with the road resurfacing in the Uni grounds.

The tarmacing has been extended (although that wasn't in the original plan) so it blends with the existing road and I do think that was a good decision. Have a look at the photos!

Don't forget we will return for the landscaping work.


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Update by Joan Tatters


I just thought I'd let you know we are back!!! After our works were complete my colleagues at NWG suggested we would like to offer a Thank You to the Uni.

Therefore we are now back on site to replace gully lids by the roadside which were broken prior to the works and this will be done to coincide with the new road tarmacing that will happen at the end of August when the students have gone home.

As the weather changes we will need to landscape the area and plant new tree fact we will be planting two for every one that was removed.

Thank you all again and see you all soon.



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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning

A quick up date............

The headwall at the start ot the watercourse is constructed now and we are in the process of reinstating the woods to it's former glory. We have started the woodland planting and have noticed how quickly the wild garlic is peeping though and the smell is just lovely. Within the next few days will be taking the cabins away and the compound will slowly disappear so please be that little more vigilant as the vehicle activity will increase whilst we remove the materials. So the end is in sight!!

Our work replacing the sewer and extending the culverted watercourse will hopefully protect and provide stability to the banks of this beautiful area for years to come,

You will soon have "your" wood back to enjoy to the full !!!!

In the meanwhile Jamie, his team and I would once again like to thank you all for your co-operation and patience during the work.


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon

We are making good progress due to the kind weather and we are now over half way through.........both the extended culvert and new sewer are now constructed and operational. Jamie and his team have installed of 75metres of 1.2metre diameter plastic pipe for the water course and a smaller plastic sewer pipe (have a look at the photos) as part of the upgrade. Next on the list is the construction of the headwall to tie in the open water course, we will keep you informed.

Due to the unique nature of the project we have had a few more visitors from our management team who are keen to see the works in these beautiful woodlands. The project has had its routine health & safety and environment audits achieving positive feedback.

Well done Jamie et all.............keep up the good work.

Have a look at the before and after shots!


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Just a quick update...........we are progressing well and within the programme schedule. The weather so far has been on our side as I'm sure you can appreciate it can become a little boggy in that area. I am pleased to say the work into the wood is going very well.
Have a look at the photos I have posted so you can see how we are doing.

Just for the record the rare plant we relocated is doing great.


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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning All,

A lot of the students have now left for the Christmas break and to be honest it is really quiet on site. I think the site guys are starting to miss them..... "bless".

I've attached some photos from my site visit last week, please have a look.

We will be off site for the Christmas period from Friday 23rd December until Thursday 5th January 2017, with all the normal security measures in place.

So it remains for me to say on behalf of MMB we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful 2017.

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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning & Happy Friday

A lot has happened in two weeks, Jamie and his team have made great progress.

You will have seen the site is now all prepared for the works to commence on Monday.  Jamie wants me to confirm your health and safety is absolutely paramount to us so, the site guys have made sure the working areas are all fenced off, his team have introduced safe pedestrian pathways and he wants to reiterate to remain vigilant around the compound area as there will be an ongoing traffic presence throughout the project.

Monday brings the start of the work within the woods...the team will be breaking out the existing wall down stream to construct a manhole then further into the stream constructing a further manhole on a combined sewer.

Because of the nature of this work (no punn intended) we are committed to deliver that extra special care because of the environment so we enlisted the assistance of our specialised colleagues to keep things right!!! We are also including "Friends of Pelaw Woods" and they are on board with us, they have come across a rare plant, which we are moving to keep safe.

Have a look at the photos, we have made every effort to clear a pathway into the woods with minimal distruption, aiming to protect this beautiful area of Durham.

Thank you for your patience during this time, it is appreciated and if you want to ask us any questions please feel free.

Either Jamie or I will be posting news every week from now on so watch this space!!!!





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Update by Joan Tatters

Good Afternoon,

Just thought I'd introduce myself, my name is Joan Tatters and I am the Customer Service contact for MMB. Along with Jamie MacLeod, the Site Manager who will be managing the works we will be available to discuss any queries you may have about this project. You will probably see a lot of us so with that in mind I thought you might want to put a face to a name. (see the photos)

Our start date is Monday 21st November and it will take us approximately two weeks to set up the site. We understand how precious Pelaw Woods are so if you want to call into our site office anytime after then we would be happy to see you and provide more information whilst addressing any concerns.

In the meanwhile here are some contact details you may find useful should you have any interests, comments or ideas you want to discuss:-

Blog on the portal, email me at, or if you prefer to telephone you can contact me on 0191 3786700 or the Customer Service Team at Northumbrian Water will be only to happy to help on 0345 717 1100.

Both Jamie and I will be posting information on the portal throughout the project so watch this space for further updates!




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Update by Richard Greenwell

Hi everyone, my name is Richard Greenwell and I am the Project Manager for the work we are planning to carry out in Pelaw Wood.

We are working with communities to proactively manage flood risk and pollution. Following the failure of a retaining wall adjacent to Pelaw Wood Beck, we have identified a pollution risk from a sewer encased within the wall. We have developed a solution that we believe resolves this issue and causes the least possible damage to the woodland area. The project team and I will be keeping you updated as our plans progress. I’ve just added the plans which will give you an overview of where we are planning to carry out work and you can download them by checking out the ‘Planned work’ page.

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