The construction phase of this project is now complete.

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Pelaw Wood

We are working with our supply partner Mott Macdonald Bentley to carry out £500,000 of investment work. This work will involve replacing the sewer within the woodland and extending the culverted watercourse providing stability to the banks of pelaw wood beck.

Update by Joan Tatters

Good Morning

A quick up date............

The headwall at the start ot the watercourse is constructed now and we are in the process of reinstating the woods to it's former glory. We have started the woodland planting and have noticed how quickly the wild garlic is peeping though and the smell is just lovely. Within the next few days will be taking the cabins away and the compound will slowly disappear so please be that little more vigilant as the vehicle activity will increase whilst we remove the materials. So the end is in sight!!

Our work replacing the sewer and extending the culverted watercourse will hopefully protect and provide stability to the banks of this beautiful area for years to come,

You will soon have "your" wood back to enjoy to the full !!!!

In the meanwhile Jamie, his team and I would once again like to thank you all for your co-operation and patience during the work.


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