Update by Ian Davison
Good Afternoon
As you will be aware we have completed the establishment of the site compound for the Moor Crescent works and the road has been cut in preparation for the trench excavation. The road closure is now fully established with temporary fencing containing the working area, work has begun on the installation of the 1050mm diameter tank sewer. These construction activities will continue throughout the school holidays and every effort is being made to get the pipeline past the school and the road re-opened for the start of the new term.
This is difficult engineering project on a constrained site, the Project Team really appreciate your cooperation to date. Every effort will be made to keep the disruption to a minimum and I would like to thank you in advance for your continued patience. The contractor’s customer team will continue to work with the residents to provide any support or assistance necessary.
Thanks for talking the time to read this update, please contact us via the portal or contact the site team if you wish to discuss any aspect of these works in more detail
Ian Davison
(Project Manager)
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