Storm Overflows Environmental Improvements

To improve the resilience and enhance the performance of the sewer network in Northumbrian Water is investing in the overflows in West Rainton, Ludworth, Bishop Auckland and Skelton. This work will ensure we deliver sewerage services that meet the needs of current and future generations whilst improving the quality of our rivers and watercourses for the benefit of people, the environment and wildlife.

Project updates

Update by Alice Blackett

Good Afternoon

We bring to you another update on our Storm Overflows Environmental Improvement works.

Stanghow Road, Lingdale 

On week commencing 10 February 2025, we will be conducting some further Survey Works in the town. This will not affect public roads or footpaths.

We contniue to work on Balmoral Road installing the new pipework. We have installed the first section of pipework and have now moved further up the road to install the next section. 

We are still carrying out excavation works on The Meadow in preparation for the new pipework.

We are excavating for 675mm pipe and a 3m manhole in the lcoation of the Attenuation Tank.

Pithouse Lane

All drainage works are now completed with only the compound removal and field re-instatement works to be carried out once the weather permits.

Finchale View

Drainage installation ongoing with the completion of drainage and removal of the compound planned to be completed by the end of next week. As with Pithouse Lane the field re-instatement will have to wait until early spring prior to completion.

Moor Crescent/Barnard Avenue

Barnard Avenue pipework continues with the final connections being installed in the coming weeks.

The new storm pipe on Moor Crecent continues to progress down the bankside.

Once all work has been completed a full clean up of the road will be completed including reinstatements.

Etherley Lane, Bishop Auckland

The 2 way traffic management on Etherley Lane will be repositioned Thursday 20 February, and the road closure will be moved to the other entrance. Access for residents on Ediscum Garth will continue to be maintained.  

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Update by Alice Blackett

Good Afternoon,

Please see below an update of what is happening on our 5 Storm Overflow Improvement Sites:

Stanghow Road, Lingdale, Saltburn by the Sea

Over the past couple of weeks we have been carrying out trial hole surveys on the meadow within exising manholes. We have now moved on to excevating the area for the new drainage sytem.

We are making good progress with the drainage works on Balmoral Road where we currently have a rolling road closure in place. We are hoping to have the first section of pipework completed week commencing 3 February 2025, when we will then move on to the next section of pipework.

We are currently laying the pipes to the Attenuation Tank, and are curreontly on row 5 of 12. We are on programme to complete the tank works by the end of next week before we backfill the pipework.

Further trial hole surveys will be carried out on Balmoral Road starting on Wednesday 5th February 2025 for 2 days using 2 way traffic lights.

Pithouse Lane, Leamside

All drainage works and benching to manholes are now complete. The CSO screen is to be installed by the end of January when we will then start on reinstatement works.

Finchale View

We have connected up to the existing manhole and completed the first drain run. We are excevating ready for installation of the manifold this week and new sotrage drain runs will be installed in the upcoming weeks.

Moor Crescent/Barnard Avenue

Barnard Avenue pipework is progressing quickly, although the team have faced uncharted services outside of their control. The team continue to reposition the road closure as work progressing.

The new storm pipe on Moor Crecent is now past the bend, before progressing down the bankside. The road closure on Moor Crescent remains in place while works progress. The road surface will be reinstated once all work is completed. I would like to thank you for your patience during our works.

Etherley Lane, Bishop Auckland

The team have been pushing through the elements the last couple of weeks and have now installed the first section of pipework. Traffic management will remain on the road using 2 way lights for 9 weeks, to allow completion on the pipe safely.  The team are monitoring work and noise while on site, due to the proximity of our neighbours. A noise assessment is carried out to minimise noise where possible.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Alice & Rachel

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Update by Alice Blackett

Stanghow Road - Lingdale, Saltburn by the Sea

Happy New Year!

As you might have noticed, we are now back on site and you are likely to see a lot more of the construction team as we work through the first few months of the year.

We are currently working on the Meadow and preparing for the installation of the new storm drain. We have installed safety fencing around our working area with a crossing point for the general public and dog walkers to continue to make use of the Meadow whilst works are in progress. 

We have implemented a rolling road closure on Balmoral Road whilst we carry out our pipework installation. We would like to thank all residents for their cooperation.

Our team are currently carrying out excavation works for the Attenuation Tank on Stanghow Road.

Survey works on Stanghow Road will be carried out week commencing 20th January 2025, where 2-way traffic lights will be in place.

We have also been busy carrying out survey works this week on Sandringham Road and the 2-way traffic lights will be removed today, Friday 10th January. 

Further survey works will be carried out throughout January in various parts of Lingdale. 2-way traffic lights will be in place on Monday 13th January on South Stanghow Road for 3 days. There lights will then move further south on Stanghow Road on Wednesday 16th January for 2 days.

We would like to thank all residents of Lingdale for their patience and understanding whilst we carry out these works.

Moor Crescent/Barnard Avenue, Ludworth

The team have continued to install the new pipework along Barnard Avenue within 40 metre sections to minimise disruption. Due to the cold weather the last couple of weeks, the team have experienced unforeseen delays with concrete deliveries but are positive they will remain on track.

Etherley Lane, Bishop Auckland

Week commencing Monday 06 January the team have begun the set up of the compound area, you may see the occasional increased deliveries bringing in materials and equipment. This week the crew have begun trial holes in order to understand ground conditions and services within the area. While work progresses on Etherley Lane, the team will be working within 2-way traffic lights. 

Pithouse Lane, Leamside

All drainage works and benching to manholes are now complete. The CSO screen is to be installed by the end of January when we will then start on reinstatement works.

Finchale View

We have connected up to the existing manhole and completed the first drain run. We are excevating ready for installation of the manifold this week and new sotrage drain runs will be installed in the upcoming weeks.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Thank you 

Alice and Rachel

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Update by Rachel Rutter

Good afternoon all,

We wanted to take this opportunity to provide the last update of the year!

All traffic management and working areas across the 5 sites will be removed from Friday 20 December 2024 for the Christmas and New Year period and will return to work on Monday 6 January 2025. 

We wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2025.  We would also like to thank you all for your patience and understanding whilst we have carried out our works.

If you have any concerns over the Christmas and New Year period, please contact us by emailing

Merry Christmas to you all, stay safe and wrap up warm!

Thank you 

Rachel, Alice and Christine.

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Update by Alice Blackett

Good Afternoon All

Updates on our Storm Tank projects are as follows:

Moor Crescent/Barnard Avenue, Ludworth

The team are continuing works on Moor Crescent, due to weather conditions and temperature the concrete on Moor Crescent is being monitored in order to complete the next section of work. Barnard Avenue is progressing well and the team continue to temporary reinstate the area as the road closure is re-positioned.

Etherley Dene, Bishop Auckland

The compound area is scheduled to be set up WC 20 January 2025 with work on Etherley Lane to begin the following week. Once the details are finalised I will provide a further update.

Pithouse Lane

All of the main civils works are now complete and the remaining minor works will be taking place after the christmas break.

Finchale View

Our site ompound is now fully complete and we are due to start drainage works week commencing 2 December.

Stanghow Road, Lingdale

You will see our team present next week, commencing 2nd December while we carry out some survey work. Surveys will be taking place in the Sandringham Road and Balmoral Road area where there will be 4 way traffic lights in place for a duration on 5 days.

We are also carrying out excavation works for an attenuation tank on Stanghow Road.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Thank you

Alice & Rachel

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Update by Alice Blackett

Finchale View - West Rainton

Good Morning

I would like to make all residents of Finchale View aware that there will be machinery delivered to site on Friday 22nd November.

Please can you ensure, where possible, vehicles are not parked on the roadside to give the machinery plenty of room to manuvour. 

Thank you all for your cooperation.

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Thanks, Alice

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Update by Alice Blackett

Good Morning

We are back with another update on our 5 Storm Tank Overflow projects.

Moor Crescent/Barnard Avenue, Ludworth

The team have continued to work on the large diameter tank over the last few weeks, even though the weather hasn’t been on their side and have been faced with delays due to uncharted services. The team are aiming to have the tank complete by Friday 22 November with the surface water separation of the sewer completed 2 weeks after if not before. Barnard Avenue road closure remains in place, with the team progressing well with the work and moving the road closure up to the next section.

Etherley Dene, Bishop Auckland

The team continue to work in the background until the urgent third-party work in the area is complete. Our aim is to make sure disturbance is kept to a minimum and will provide a further update when our work can begin.

Pithouse lane, Leamside

Installation of the new CSO is currently in progress. CSO installation works will be ongoing for the next few weeks.

Finchale View, West Rainton

We are currently installing the compound area on site. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be completing the compound and haul road installation and stripping the topsoil at the worksite ready for the drainage installation.

Stanghow Road, Lingdale

Excavation works for the new storm tank will be starting week commencing 18th November. This means there will be heavy load vehicles present and travelling along Stanghow Road. With this in mind, please can we ask drivers to drive carefully and take care to ensure everybody is kept safe. In addition to this, the speed limit will be reduced from 60mph to 40mph.

We are happy to discuss any aspect of this works, please contact us at or click 'Contact Project Team' on this page.

Thank you

Alice & Rachel

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Update by Rachel Rutter

Good afternoon,

I thought now is the perfect time to update you on the 5 projects and how the teams are progressing.

Moor Crescent/Barnard Avenue, Ludworth

The team have been working on 1050 tank and although they have faced some challenges due to weather and uncharted services this is due to be completed by Friday 8 November. The sewer separation on Moor Crescent and Barnard Avenue is being worked on over the coming weeks.

Pithouse Lane, West Rainton

The work to install new manholes in the highway is now complete and the traffic management will be removed from 15:00pm today. Next week the team will begin work on preparing the new CSO, ready for installation over the coming weeks.

Stanghow Road, Lingdale

Over the last couple of weeks, the team have set up the main compound area ready for work to begin. They have also created a stone road on Stanghow Road to allow entrance into the working area. Next week the team will be working on surveying manholes and drainage. If you see them in the area why not say hello!

Etherley Dene, Bishop Auckland

Although the team are working hard in the background, you won’t see them working in the road for the next few weeks due to urgent third-party work in the area. We understand how busy the roads can be this time of year and didn’t think it practical to have two companies working so close together at once. As always, the team and I will keep you updated when our work progresses.  

Finchale View, West Rainton

Work on Finchale View will begin WC 04 November, over the next week the team will be setting up the compound area and bringing in the required materials for work to begin.

Thank you for your time, have a great weekend!

Rachel and Alice

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Update by Alice Blackett

Good afternoon

As three out of the 5 sites have now begun, we would like to take a moment to update you of the team's progress.

Pithouse Lane, Leamside 

All access works are now complete including haul road, compound and protection slab.

Traffic management is currently in place using 2-way traffic lights on Pithouse Lane whilst we complete Highways Drainage Works. Traffic management will be in place until Friday 1st November 2024.

Moor Crescent, Ludworth

The team have been working against the weather these last couple of weeks in order to progress with work. They have now completed work on two manholes and have lay the pipe work in between. Over the coming weeks the team will be working on the storm drainage and making sure that it is installed. 

Please contact us direct if you have any questions at

Thank you 

Alice and Rachel

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Update by Rachel Rutter

Etherley Lane Environmental Improvement Project

Morning all, 

This week i have had the pleassure to speak to many of the residents in the area to discuss the upcoming environmental improvement project in the Etherley Lane vicinity.

This work will help protect the environment and ensure that our sewer network continues to serve the community effectively.

I can confirm that the improvement work is planned to commence on Monday 14th October 2024.

Esh/Stantec will undertake this construction work which will comprise:

  • Surface water separation within Barrington Meadows.
  • 200m of new 225mm surface water sewer within Etherley Lane.

The creation of additional surface water sewer and combined sewer capacity will reduce the impact of rainfall on the sewer network protecting the environment through the resulting reduction in Storm Overflow operation.

The schematic which shows the proposal and working areas has been uploaded. We anticipate that our work will take up to 5 Months and a phased approach will be adopted with completion anticipated in April 2025 however, as with all civil engineering construction projects, unexpected delays can sometimes occur. I would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation while we complete this essential work.

Thank you 


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