The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


Blyth - Bates Avenue (Tallie Drive, Blyth)

We are planning work on the sewer network to reduce the risk of flooding and improve the performance of the sewers in Blyth.

Project updates

Update by Christopher Bond

Good Afternoon

As an update on the proposed re-start to the works this week, there has been a slight delay in mobilising to site, however please be assured our project team are actively working to be on site as soon as possible. Our contractor MMB will be mobilising the site cabins in the coming weeks, with a view to starting the construction works w/c 14th August. 

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Update by Christopher Bond

Good Morning

Its been a while since the last update, however, we have been working closely with Northumberland County Council to review the planning conditions associated with the planning application. These conditions have now been assessed and approved to allow construction works on site to commence.

As a reminder, these works comprise of new sewers along Crawford Street and construction of a new building which will house mechanical equipment to help deal with flows in heavy rainfall.

Our Partners, MMB, will be carrying out the work on our behalf and are due to re start on site on 17 July 2023, with completion estimated for 31 May 2024.

Traffic management will be necessary for a period of the works whilst the new sewer along the main road is installed. The traffic management will be in place from 28 August 2023 to 17 November 2023 and MMB will discuss this will local customers in due course.


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Update by Christopher Bond

Good afternoon everyone

Further to the update sent via letter in March, we want to let you know that the required information that was requried to be sent to Northumberland County Council to discharge the planning conditions has been submitted. We will now await the decision from Northumberland County Council if the planning conditions can be discharged and we can re-start works on site.

We will provide a further update to confirm when construction phase of the works are due to start on site when we have further information.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please comment below and one of the team will be in touch.

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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Happy New Year All,

The trial holes went as planned and the Traffic Management has been removed this week. We are expecting a road sweeper today to tidy the area.

The compound area stoning is completed and ready for when we mobilise once all the planning conditions are met.

We still have a little bit of vegetation clearance to do and that will be getting done next week.

We will be in touch once we are ready to enter the construction phase.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please comment below and one of the team will be in touch.


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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good Afternoon all,

Quick update before we break up for Christmas.

We have been keeping you up to date with our plans to reduce the risk of flooding and improve the performance of the sewers within the vicinity of Northumbrian Water’s Bates Sewage Pumping Station, located near Crawford Street.

The proposal has now been approved by Northumberland County Council for planning approval, with associated planning conditions, which we are required to reply to before construction works start on site.

Whilst planning was still under consultation, you may have seen we have been carrying out some site clearance and investigation work. The site has now closed down for Christmas leave and we will return in the New Year to do 2 trial holes on Crawford Street which are schedule to take place between 4th- 13th January.

At this stage we don’t have a firm date of when the main construction dates will start. Once we do we will send a further update.

On behalf of the Project Team, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!



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Update by Sarah Jayne Parvin

Good afternoon,

Following on from Chris's update last week I would like to introduce the team who will be working on site next week in the run up to Christmas.

Our team comprises of Damien our Contract Manager, Matthew our Site Agent and Dave our Engineer and then there's me Sarah the Customer Liaison Officer. I’ll be keeping you up today whilst we are on site.

Over the next few weeks, we are carrying out a site clearance to the piece of land near Bates Ave pumping station. You can expect to see an increase in traffic exporting the waste materials.

We also have some trail holes to do on Crawford Rd which will involve traffic management, I don't have the exact date as yet but will update you as soon as I do.

In the meantime if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us by commenting below or calling Northumbrian water on 0345 7171100.


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Update by Christopher Bond

Good afternoon,

We wanted to share further details of our proposals with you as we prepare to start works to reduce the risk of flooding and improve the performance of the sewers within the vicinity of Northumbrian Water’s Bates Sewage Pumping Station, located near Crawford Street, which is highlighted on the attached plan.

As previously communicated, our proposed works comprise of new sewers along Crawford street and construction of a new building in open space adjacent to Crawford Street, which will house mechanical equipment to help deal with flows in heavy rainfall.

The proposal was submitted to Northumberland County Council for consideration for planning approval and this planning application is currently still under consultation with Northumberland County Council.

Whilst this is still under consultation, we wanted to share with you that we propose to undertake site investigation works on site of the proposed new building, starting Monday 21 November. This work will include ground clearance taking place on site.


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Update by Christopher Bond

Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a great summer.

Further to previous updates and letters, we wanted to share further details of our proposals with you to understand your views about this work and how we can minimise any disruption you and your community may experience once the work is underway.

As a reminder, the proposal is to reduce the risk of flooding and improve the performance of the sewers within the vicinity of Northumbrian Water’s Bates Sewage Pumping Station, located near Crawford Street, which is highlighted on the attached plan.

Our proposed works comprise of new sewers along Crawford street and construction of a new building in open space adjacent to Crawford Street, which will house mechanical equipment to help deal with flows in heavy rainfall.

As previously communicated, the proposal was submitted to Northumberland County Council for consideration for planning approval. This planning application is currently still under consultation with Northumberland County Council. 

Whilst this is still under consultation, we wanted to share with you that should planning permission be granted, then the proposed to start of the works is October 2022 and will take around 10 months to complete.

We will provide further details in the coming months

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Update by Christopher Bond

Hi, I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to provide a small update on the progress of the proposed solution which will help reduce the risk of sewer flooding to the area. Our partners, Mott MacDonald Bentley have been working hard to finalise the design of the proposed solution, in readiness to submit it to Northumberland County Council for planning permission. I hope we will be in a position by the end of February when we can arrange to provide and discuss further detailed information on the proposals. In the meantime, please take care and if you have any questions you would like to ask us, please feel free to leave a comment below and we will get back to you. Alternatively, you can contact the Northumbrian Water customer contact centre on 0345 717 1100 and request a call back from a member of the project team.

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Update by Gabrielle Ward


It was lovely to meet some of you on Tuesday when Chris Bond (NWL Project Manager), Mark Robinson (MMB Project Lead) and I came and visited the area to discuss our upcoming work. We would like to thank you for taking the time to speak to us. We didn't get to speak to everyone however, we will hopefully get to meet more of you in the next couple of months. 

I have included a letter here which will be sent out to properties surrounding the working area. This is to help us understand your views about the work and how we can minimise any disruption you and your community may experience once the work is underway.

If in the meantime you have any questions you would like to ask us, please feel free to leave a comment below and we will get back to you. Alternativley, you can contact the Northumbrian Water customer contact centre on 0345 717 1100 and request a call back from a member of the project team.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.




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