The construction phase of this project is now complete.

There may still be updates, so the project will remain here. We are still monitoring the project and will reply to any comments. So if you have any questions please feel free to comment or contact us here.


West Brunton Farm, Newcastle

Together with our supply partner, ESH-MWH, we are investing £2 million to upgrade the sewer network in West Brunton Farm. This essential work will secure the effective operation of the network for the future and will be carried out by ESH-MWH between Monday 10 October 2016 and Sunday 30 April 2017. The work will be carried out within the agricultural land close to West Brunton Farm and public open space to the rear of Wagonway Drive.

Update by Mark Robinson

Morning everyone,

I'd like to apologise as it's taken me a while to get an update out to you all! I thought I'd write a few words to give a little update with some pictures to follow once I get my hands on our Agent's camera (he's rather attached!).

You may have noticed things have gone rather quiet on site as we close out areas and move further towards our main compound on Brunton Lane. I'm pleased to announce the bulk of our drainage replacement works are now complete. Hurrayyyyy!!! We have successfully replaced and lined the sewer network which currently has live flow passing through, making it's way to the waste treatment plants. It's been a challenging journey but the whole team have worked very hard and done an excellent job. Hopefully, our works haven't affected or disrupted you too much and as always, we do apologise for any inconvenience caused whilst we carry out our works and thank you for your patience.

So, as I mentioned above, things have gone rather quiet. We aren't hiding but rather working within the farmland filling the now redundant sewer with grout. This ensures that no voids are left below the ground and assists with future development. In addition to this, we have started moving from the bottom of the site (Featherstone Grove) towards Brunton Lane reinstating the topsoil, footpaths and generally tidying up. This activitiy will continue over the next couple of weeks. Our over pumping equipment will soon be demobilised at Lynemouth Way where we still have a rather large work area before the entire area is restored.

Enough for now, I'll get some photos up soon.



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